Hossein Barghi Jond presents Opinion Formation Dynamics in Social Networks: A Differential Game Approach

On 2024-02-20 - 2024-02-20 10:00:00 at E112, Karlovo náměstí 13, Praha 2
This will be a short talk about my recently published two papers in the
Journal of Control and IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems about
modeling opinion dynamics with differential game theory. I will also talk about
opinion-dynamics links to cyber-physical systems and robotics. However, the
abstract of the talk is as follows: 

"We explore opinion formation dynamics in social networks using differential
game models. The first model focuses on the multi-dimensional opinions of
strategist agents, finding Nash equilibrium solutions under open-loop
information. Distributed implementation is proposed and compared to
non-distributed strategies. The second model investigates Nash equilibrium in
noncooperative games, employing the Hegselmann-Krause model with time delays.
Strategies for stubborn and non-stubborn populations are analyzed using
Pontryagin's principle and feedback strategies, showcasing outcomes on various
social networks."
Za obsah zodpovídá: Petr Pošík