
Pavel Misha presents Dynamic Systems Modeling of Human Behaviors to Improve Proactive Healthcare

On 2022-05-23 14:00 at G205, Karlovo náměstí 13, Praha 2
The vision of transforming healthcare from reactive sick care to proactive
healthcare requires new approaches to care increasingly focused on human health
behaviors. Helping people to improve their behaviors by optimizing
requires assessing individuals’ physical, physiological and mental states and
their dynamics. Emerging advances in sensing, computation and communication
technology have the potential to enable intensive longitudinal monitoring,
assessment, and prediction to close the loop by optimizing early detection and
tailored intervention. We use computational modeling, prediction, and
optimization applicable to individuals in specific contexts and scenarios to
reach this goal. This presentation will discuss examples of robust
modeling and predicting individuals’ behaviors by combining machine learning,
hybrid dynamic systems, and statistical signal processing with psychological
knowledge. First, we describe inferences of cognitive functionality from
computer interactions and games that can be used for the early detection of
changes in cognitive function. Second, we describe approaches to the inference
of stress levels from physiological measurements. Finally, I will describe a
principled approach using intensive longitudinal health behavior monitoring to
help individuals to increase their physical activity and engagement. We note
that an additional benefit of this approach is that it provides transparent
explanations of the inferences and recommendations.
Responsible person: Petr Pošík