Martin Saska a Vojtech Vonasek presents Achievements in research of multi-robot systems
On 2015-12-01 11:00:00 at KN:E-112, Karlovo náměstí 13, Praha 2
1. Predictive control and stabilization of nonholonomic formations with
integrated spline-path planning
A path planning in the space of multinominals integrated into a model predictive
control mechanism for driving formations of autonomous mobile robots will be
presented. The proposed approach is designed to stabilize the formations in
desired shapes, and to navigate the group into a final position in a partly
known environment with dynamic obstacles. In addition, the system provides
inter-vehicle coordination and collision avoidance in the event of failure of a
team member. The method is aimed at reaching the final position of the formation
in the desired shape, but it enables to change temporarily this shape if it is
enforced by the environment (in narrow corridors, on response to an impending
collision with obstacles and faulty team members, etc.). This autonomous
emergent behaviour increases the robustness of the system and its usability.
2. High-level motion planning for CPG-driven modular robots
Modular robots are composed of many basic building blocks (modules). Motion of
modular robots is usually modeled using locomotion generators that can provide
various gaits, e.g. crawling or walking. However, pure locomotion generation
cannot ensure that desired places in a complex environment with obstacles will
in fact be reached. These cases require several locomotion generators providing
motion primitives that are switched using a planning process that takes the
obstacles into account. We present a novel motion planning method for modular
robots equipped with elementary motion primitives. The utilization of primitives
significantly reduces the complexity of motion planning. As the motion
primitives are realized using locomotion generators, no reconfiguration is
required and the proposed approach can thus be used even for modular robots
without self-reconfiguration capabilities.
3. Motion planning with adaptive motion primitives for modular robots
To preserve the efficiency and robustness of the planner on varying terrains, a
novel schema ofor adapting the motion primitives will be presented. The
adaptation procedure is integrated into the planning process, which allows the
planner simultaneously to adapt the primitives and to use them to obtain the
final plan. Besides adaptation in changing environments, the proposed method is
usefull for failure recovery.
integrated spline-path planning
A path planning in the space of multinominals integrated into a model predictive
control mechanism for driving formations of autonomous mobile robots will be
presented. The proposed approach is designed to stabilize the formations in
desired shapes, and to navigate the group into a final position in a partly
known environment with dynamic obstacles. In addition, the system provides
inter-vehicle coordination and collision avoidance in the event of failure of a
team member. The method is aimed at reaching the final position of the formation
in the desired shape, but it enables to change temporarily this shape if it is
enforced by the environment (in narrow corridors, on response to an impending
collision with obstacles and faulty team members, etc.). This autonomous
emergent behaviour increases the robustness of the system and its usability.
2. High-level motion planning for CPG-driven modular robots
Modular robots are composed of many basic building blocks (modules). Motion of
modular robots is usually modeled using locomotion generators that can provide
various gaits, e.g. crawling or walking. However, pure locomotion generation
cannot ensure that desired places in a complex environment with obstacles will
in fact be reached. These cases require several locomotion generators providing
motion primitives that are switched using a planning process that takes the
obstacles into account. We present a novel motion planning method for modular
robots equipped with elementary motion primitives. The utilization of primitives
significantly reduces the complexity of motion planning. As the motion
primitives are realized using locomotion generators, no reconfiguration is
required and the proposed approach can thus be used even for modular robots
without self-reconfiguration capabilities.
3. Motion planning with adaptive motion primitives for modular robots
To preserve the efficiency and robustness of the planner on varying terrains, a
novel schema ofor adapting the motion primitives will be presented. The
adaptation procedure is integrated into the planning process, which allows the
planner simultaneously to adapt the primitives and to use them to obtain the
final plan. Besides adaptation in changing environments, the proposed method is
usefull for failure recovery.