Petr Švarný presents Protective skins in human-robot collaboration
On 2022-06-21 11:00:00 at E112, Karlovo náměstí 13, Praha 2
During the seminar, we will present our work described in this publication:
Petr Svarny, Jakub Rozlivek, Lukas Rustler, Martin Sramek, Özgür Deli,
Michael Zillich, Matej Hoffmann, Effect of active and passive protective soft
skins on collision forces in human–robot collaboration,
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Volume 78, 2022, 102363,
complementary video:
Soft electronic skins are one of the means to turn a classical industrial
manipulator into a collaborative robot. For manipulators that are already fit
for physical human–robot collaboration, soft skins can make them even safer.
In this work, we study the after impact behavior of two collaborative
manipulators (UR10e and KUKA LBR iiwa) and one classical industrial manipulator
(KUKA Cybertech), in the presence or absence of an industrial protective skin
(AIRSKIN). In addition, we isolate the effects of the passive padding and the
active contribution of the sensor to robot reaction. We present a total of 2250
collision measurements and study the impact force, contact duration, clamping
force, and impulse. This collected dataset is publicly available. We summarize
our results as follows. For transient collisions, the passive skin properties
lowered the impact forces by about 40%. During quasi-static contact, the effect
of skin covers – active or passive – cannot be isolated from the collision
detection and reaction by the collaborative robots. Important effects of the
stop categories triggered by the active protective skin were found. We
systematically compare the different settings and compare the empirically
established safe velocities with prescriptions by the ISO/TS 15066. In some
cases, up to the quadruple of the ISO/TS 15066 prescribed velocity can comply
with the impact force limits and thus be considered safe. We propose an
extension of the formulas relating impact force and permissible velocity that
take into account the stiffness and compressible thickness of the protective
cover, leading to better predictions of the collision forces. At the same time,
this work emphasizes the need for in situ measurements as all the factors we
studied – presence of active/passive skin, safety stop settings, robot
collision reaction, impact direction, and, of course, velocity – have effects
on the force evolution after impact.
(in-depth seminar - 40 min. + 20 min. discussion)
Petr Svarny, Jakub Rozlivek, Lukas Rustler, Martin Sramek, Özgür Deli,
Michael Zillich, Matej Hoffmann, Effect of active and passive protective soft
skins on collision forces in human–robot collaboration,
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Volume 78, 2022, 102363,
complementary video:
Soft electronic skins are one of the means to turn a classical industrial
manipulator into a collaborative robot. For manipulators that are already fit
for physical human–robot collaboration, soft skins can make them even safer.
In this work, we study the after impact behavior of two collaborative
manipulators (UR10e and KUKA LBR iiwa) and one classical industrial manipulator
(KUKA Cybertech), in the presence or absence of an industrial protective skin
(AIRSKIN). In addition, we isolate the effects of the passive padding and the
active contribution of the sensor to robot reaction. We present a total of 2250
collision measurements and study the impact force, contact duration, clamping
force, and impulse. This collected dataset is publicly available. We summarize
our results as follows. For transient collisions, the passive skin properties
lowered the impact forces by about 40%. During quasi-static contact, the effect
of skin covers – active or passive – cannot be isolated from the collision
detection and reaction by the collaborative robots. Important effects of the
stop categories triggered by the active protective skin were found. We
systematically compare the different settings and compare the empirically
established safe velocities with prescriptions by the ISO/TS 15066. In some
cases, up to the quadruple of the ISO/TS 15066 prescribed velocity can comply
with the impact force limits and thus be considered safe. We propose an
extension of the formulas relating impact force and permissible velocity that
take into account the stiffness and compressible thickness of the protective
cover, leading to better predictions of the collision forces. At the same time,
this work emphasizes the need for in situ measurements as all the factors we
studied – presence of active/passive skin, safety stop settings, robot
collision reaction, impact direction, and, of course, velocity – have effects
on the force evolution after impact.
(in-depth seminar - 40 min. + 20 min. discussion)