prof. Ing. Jan Vobecký, DrSc. presents Efficient prior art search for invention disclosure / patent

On 2023-04-11 11:00:00 at E112, Karlovo náměstí 13, Praha 2
1. On-line presentation of the PatSnap environment will be shown to facilitate
efficient prior art search. PatSnap is being purchased for ČVUT FEL in 2023.
2. Those interested in prior art search of their own technical subject during
the seminar are hereby invited to prepare or submit key words, resp. key
(AND, OR, NOT,…).
3. Those interested in prior art search of their own technical subject by
semantic search are hereby invited to prepare or submit a text describing their
problem (ideally no more than 250 words).
4. Submission of the items 2. a 3. above per e-mail to is

Pat Snap = Software dedicated to patent visualization based on patent data
mining and text mining involving AI and ML. It is about Patinformatics - the
science of analysing patent information to discover relationships and trends
that would be difficult to see when working with patent documents on a
one-and-one basis.
Responsible person: Petr Pošík