VS3 2024 Saturday Workshop

On 2024-07-27 - 2024-07-27 09:00:00 at Technická 2, FEE CTU in Prague, Room D3-309
Dear colleagues,

Let me invite you to the VS3 2024 Saturday Workshop that is jointly organized by
the Visual Recognition Group and the Department of Cybernetics at the Czech
Technical University in Prague, and by the Czech Pattern Recognition Society
(CPRS), supported by the ELLIS Society and ELISE Consortium.

The workshop takes place at
Technická 2, FEE CTU in Prague, Room D3-309
on Saturday July 27, 2024 9:00 – 14:00

Preliminary list of talks follows; detailed programme will be available soon at

Herve Jegou: Watermarking meets foundation models
Dima Damen: Opportunities in Egocentric Vision
Vittorio Ferrari: 3D Deep Learning
David Novotny: Reconstructing and Generating 3D Assets and Pose
Jiri Matas: Pixel-Level Out-of-Distribution Detection

Attendance is FREE, but registration by filling the following form
https://forms.gle/mDY4i9uVx3S7FGBaA is required. Some refreshment will be

Best regards,
Ondrej Chum
Responsible person: Petr Pošík