Daniel Bonilla Licea presents Reshaping UAV-Enabled Communications with Omnidirectional Multi-Rotor Aerial Vehicles
On 2025-03-18 11:00:00 at E112, Karlovo náměstí 13, Praha 2
Standard seminar length ~ 20 min talk, 10 min discussion
A new class of multi-rotor aerial vehicles (MRAVs), known as omnidirectional
MRAVs (o-MRAVs), has attracted significant interest in the robotics community.
These MRAVs have the unique capability of independently controlling their 3D
position and 3D orientation. In the context of aerial communication networks,
this translates into the ability to control the position and orientation of the
antenna mounted on the MRAV without any additional devices tasked for antenna
orientation. This additional degree of freedom (DoF) adds a new dimension to
aerial communication systems, creating various research opportunities in
communications- aware trajectory planning and positioning. This article presents
this new class of MRAVs and discusses use cases in areas such as physical layer
security and optical communications. Furthermore, the benefits of these MRAVs
are illustrated with realistic simulation scenarios. Finally, new research
problems and opportunities introduced by this advanced robotics technology are
D. B. Licea, G. Silano, H. E. Hammouti, M. Ghogho and M. Saska, "Reshaping
UAV-Enabled Communications with Omnidirectional Multi-Rotor Aerial Vehicles," in
IEEE Communications Magazine, doi: 10.1109/MCOM.001.2400421.
Preprint: https://mrs.fel.cvut.cz/data/papers/IEEEComMag_2024.pdf
A new class of multi-rotor aerial vehicles (MRAVs), known as omnidirectional
MRAVs (o-MRAVs), has attracted significant interest in the robotics community.
These MRAVs have the unique capability of independently controlling their 3D
position and 3D orientation. In the context of aerial communication networks,
this translates into the ability to control the position and orientation of the
antenna mounted on the MRAV without any additional devices tasked for antenna
orientation. This additional degree of freedom (DoF) adds a new dimension to
aerial communication systems, creating various research opportunities in
communications- aware trajectory planning and positioning. This article presents
this new class of MRAVs and discusses use cases in areas such as physical layer
security and optical communications. Furthermore, the benefits of these MRAVs
are illustrated with realistic simulation scenarios. Finally, new research
problems and opportunities introduced by this advanced robotics technology are
D. B. Licea, G. Silano, H. E. Hammouti, M. Ghogho and M. Saska, "Reshaping
UAV-Enabled Communications with Omnidirectional Multi-Rotor Aerial Vehicles," in
IEEE Communications Magazine, doi: 10.1109/MCOM.001.2400421.
Preprint: https://mrs.fel.cvut.cz/data/papers/IEEEComMag_2024.pdf
External www: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10829762