Computer labs E132, and E230
The equipment of the computer labs managed by department of cybernetics:
- E132: 19x Intel, 16GB RAM, 64-bit Linux Debian
- E230: 19x Intel 8GB RAM, 64-bit Linux Debian
It’s recommended to reboot before work, for safety umount previous users and clean computer memory. Do not disconnect any cables, including the ethernet cable!
Access to all department computer labs is granted to all students who are enrolled in at least one course tought by department of cybernetics.
- You can set the login password for the computer labs at
- To set the password in the lab, it is possible to login using username: problem and password: login. To log out, press CTRL+Q.
Changing your password
You can change your password using passwd command run from terminal app (Applications->Terminal). The change will apply on all workstations immediately.
Home directory
Each student has a home directory on server k333stu1 with at least 2GB of disk space. For a temporary storage of a larger volume of data you can use /local/temporary/ directory: the data are accessible from the current workstation only and are erased once a day. Data in your home directory are accessible from all workstations and are not erased. You can access your data from a distant machine using the scp protocol connecting to For Windows, you can use e.g. Winscp app.
Virtual Windows 7
After login to linux, you can run virtual Windows 7 using menu item Applications->K13133 SW->Windows 7 32-bit. It takes about 1 minute to load Windows. You can login to Windows with the same name and password as used for Linux.
Your Linux home directory is accessible from Windows as a network drive \K333STU1\USERNAME and it is mapped as drive R: by default. All the data you want to preserve shall be stored there; your virtual Windows home directory (C:\Users\username) is not persistent and will be deleted after logout.
After finishing your work in virtual Windows, you need to switch off the virtual machine (Shutdown).
Links to university services
- CESNET owncloud – Cloud storage of 100 GB per user
- Faculty gitlab repository
- Faculty IT services