Meeting with music: Jiří Vodička – violin, Miroslav Sekera – piano

Setkání s hudbou: Jiří Vodička – housle, Miroslav Sekera – klavír
Let us invite you to a concert Jiří Vodička – violin, Miroslav Sekera – piano. The concert is held within the Meeting with Music series. The concert is open to CTU students, staff, and their guests. Place: KN:E-107, Monday, April 11, 2016, at 6.30 p.m.

Jiří Wild defended his Ph.D. thesis

Jiří Wild successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled Spike Sorting of Microelectrode Single-channel Recordings: Evaluation and Applications (supervisor: dr. Daniel Novák). Congratulations!

Jeannine Jozef Maria Gabriëls defended her Ph.D. thesis

Jeannine Jozef Maria Gabriëls successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis entitled Algebraic computations in quantum logics (supervisor: Prof. Mirko Navara). Congratulations!

Prof Mirko Navara was elected to the Academic Senate of FEE CTU

Prof Mirko Navara was elected to the Academic Senate of FEE CTU for the period 2016 – 2019. Congratulations!

Prof Kybic in magazine “Pražská technika”

Prof Kybic in magazine
An interview with prof. Jan Kybic in article “Introducing new professors” was published in magazine Pražská technika (1/2016), page 29 (only in Czech).

Our robots (MRS group) help map historical objects

Naši roboti (skupina MRS) pomáhají s mapováním historických objektů
(More videos and articles about this topic you can find at the end of this website.) Shooting hard-to-reach areas of historic interiors – a task for members of our Multi-robot Systems Group. On February 26, scientists together with the staff of the National Heritage Institute in Olomouc, have successfully captured the interior of the Sternberg …read more

Our colleagues from MRS will participate in the international robotics contest in Abu Dhabi

Our colleagues from the group Multi-robot Systems and people from CRAS got a sponsorship to participate in the international robotics contest „Mohamed Bin Zayed International Robotics Challenge“, which will be organized by the University in Abu Dhabi in March 2017. More information (Czech only) you can find here. Congratulations and good luck!

Meeting with music: PhilHarmonia Octet

Let us invite you to a concert PhilHarmonia Octet. The concert is held within the Meeting with Music series. The concert is open to CTU students, staff, and their guests. Place: KN:E-107, Monday, February 22, 2016, at 6.30 p.m.

Dr. Daniel Novák in Czech Radio

Our colleague, dr. Daniel Novák (Nature Inspired Technologies Group), was invited to the Studio Leonardo (in Czech) of the Czech Radio Plus channel. He discussed (in Czech) about a mobile application that helps to manage diabetes in children. Many thanks for the representation of our department!

New EU project, Enable-S3

Nový EU projekt, Enable-S3
Enable-S3 is a large ECSEL-JU project called European Initiative to Enable Validation for Highly Automated Safe and Secure Systems. Tomas Svoboda is the PI of the CTU part. We will closely collaborate with ValeoCZ working on boosting rare data into the learning and testing in automatic driving.
Responsible person: Petra Rosická