Four-legged robot SPOT on a mission to explore the Prague underground

Four-legged robot SPOT on a mission to explore the Prague underground
The latest addition to the robot team is the four-legged autonomous SPOT robot from Boston Dynamics with a robotic arm. The RBG camera and a depth sensor are integrated into the gripper, which enables the robot to gather more information and expand utilization. 3D mapping and data gathering in the Prague underground and cooperation with …read more

(Česky) Robopsi SPOT provedou středoškolačky a středoškoláky technologiemi budoucnosti

Zájemci o studium elektrotechniky a informatiky na FEL ČVUT budou mít opět příležitost seznámit se s technologiemi, které výrazně ovlivní způsob, jakým budeme pracovat, odpočívat či cestovat v následujících desetiletích. Fakulta elektrotechnická (FEL) ČVUT zpřístupní v pátek 25. února 2022 během dne otevřených dveří svá pracoviště v Dejvicích a na Karlově náměstí. Od autonomně řízených …read more

Christmas Video Success 2021

Úspěch vánočního videa 2021
The Christmas video “Happy Holidays from the Robot Nativity” was very popular in the last days of this year. – on YouTube – almost 17 500 views, 735 likes, 28 comments – on Facebook – more than 16,200 views, reach among 46,000 people, 1,100 positive reactions only (thumbs up, hearts, etc.), 192 shares, 65 comments …read more

Our robots wish everyone a Merry Christmas

An empty lecture hall bathed in blue evening light. Silence reigns, only on the blackboard we see a complex pattern over which is written “Merry Christmas”. Then a Scarab wrapped in Christmas lights walks across one of the tables, soon a robot emerges from behind the door, shrouded in darkness, and the slow strains of …read more

Spot, Charlie and Daisy at the Crystal Loupe 2021

Spot, Charlie and Daisy at the Crystal Loupe 2021
The Crystal Loupe – Czech Internet Award is a regular voting of the public and an expert jury, in which the most popular and interesting projects and services of the Czech Internet are selected and awarded. This year’s 16th edition of the award ceremony was hosted also by Prof. Tomáš Svoboda and his robots Charlie, …read more

Our robots in CT24 studio

Our robots in CT24 studio
All you wanted to know about robotics at our faculty in 15 minutes. starts around 4:30

(Česky) S umělou inteligencí do virtuální reality aneb Úspěch českých robotů ve světové konkurenci

(Česky) S umělou inteligencí do virtuální reality aneb Úspěch českých robotů ve světové konkurenci

SPOT appeared on CT :D in the new documentary series Futuro

SPOT appeared on CT :D in the new documentary series Futuro
In the new documentary series of Czech Television for children, Professor Tomas Svoboda introduced our SPOT. The report starts at 6:45 min

The CTU-CRAS-NORLAB team in Kentucky took silver in the virtual competition and finished sixth in the real robot competition

The CTU-CRAS-NORLAB team in Kentucky took silver in the virtual competition and finished sixth in the real robot competition
The results of the DARPA SubT Challenge finals were announced on Friday 24 September at a ceremony in Louisville, Kentucky, United States. The CTU-CRAS-NORLAB team finished second among the top ten robotics teams in the world in the viral competition, earning a $500,000 prize. “We were mainly focused on the main competition with real robots, …read more

Czech Television reports on the DARPA SubT Challenge final

Czech Television reports on the DARPA SubT Challenge final
The final round of the DARPA Subterranean Challenge are held on 24 September 2021 at the MegaCavern underground complex in Kentucky, USA. Check out the report that begins at 13:25 min (premiere on 20. 9. 2021)
Responsible person: Petra Rosická