Artificial intelligence research with Facebook

Visual Recognition and Machine Learning Groups will be involved in cutting-edge research in artificial intelligence within the program FAIR (Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research) partnership. The project aims to accelerate progress and innovation in the field of the artificial intelligence, especially in deep neural networks. Our department was selected as one of the top 15 research …read more

Rescue robot goes to Italy

Rescue robot goes to Italy
A rescue ground robot is going to Italy after earthquake. Real deployment event featured in Czech TV main news. Department is collaborating with CIIRC within TRADR project.

Eyedea Recognition, a spin-off company of the Czech Technical University helps Europol

Eyedea Recognition, a spin-off company of the Czech Technical University founded by researchers from the Department of Cybernetics helps Europol recognize faces and identify the dangerous criminal and terrorist networks in Europe For more information [in Czech], see the iDnes article.

The 3rd place award for Ing. Uřičář and Prof. Matas (CVPR 2016)

The 3rd place award for Ing. Uřičář and Prof. Matas (CVPR 2016)
Ing. Michal Uřičář (supervised by dr. Franc) and Prof. Jiří Matas received the 3rd place award prize for their track “Apparent Age Estimation” from the paper “Structured Output SVM Prediction of Apparent Age, Gender and Smile from Deep Features” at ChaLearn Looking at People CVPR Workshop 2016. Congratulations!

Ing. Neumann has won the 2nd place in the “Joseph Fourier Prize”

Ing. Neumann has won the 2nd place in the
Our PhD student Ing. Lukáš Neumann (supervised by Prof. Matas) has won the 2nd place in the “Joseph Fourier Prize” competition in the field of computer science on the topic of “Scene Text Recognition in Images and Videos”. More information is here. Congratulations!

Radim Tyleček defended his Ph.D. thesis

Radim Tyleček successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled Probabilistic Models for Symmetric Object Detection in Images (supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Radim Šára). Congratulations!

Jeannine Jozef Maria Gabriëls defended her Ph.D. thesis

Jeannine Jozef Maria Gabriëls successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis entitled Algebraic computations in quantum logics (supervisor: Prof. Mirko Navara). Congratulations!

New EU project, Enable-S3

New EU project, Enable-S3
Enable-S3 is a large ECSEL-JU project called European Initiative to Enable Validation for Highly Automated Safe and Secure Systems. Tomas Svoboda is the PI of the CTU part. We will closely collaborate with ValeoCZ working on boosting rare data into the learning and testing in automatic driving.

Tomas Werner has successfully defended his habilitation thesis

Tomas Werner has successfully defended his habilitation thesis (reviewed by V. Kolmogorov, M. Loebl, and M.I. Schlesinger). Congratulation!

Dr. Tomáš Pajdla in Czech Radio

Our colleague, dr. Tomáš Pajdla (Geometry of Vision and Robotics Group), was invited to the Studio Leonardo of the Czech Radio. He discussed (in Czech language) the topic „About the robots and computer vision“. Many thanks for the representation of our department!
Responsible person: Petra Rosická