Capek would be surprised – A robot from CTU will take part in a competition for millions of dollars

Forbes magazine published comprehensively and with great interest about our SPOT robot and participation in the DARPA Subterranean Challenge with this headline. The whole journalist article you can read here Photo Petr Neugebauer, FEE CTU

Testing of drones in the UAE desert in media

The media also reported on the project of testing a drone swarm in the UAE desert for humanitarian and rescue operations Strojírenství.cz Tech Magazín ČRo Radiožurnál Deník Metro Lidové noviny Česká věda do světa Haló noviny Hospodářské noviny Svět chytře Epocha Plus …read more

Czech Drone´s Nagano: We always want to win

Czech Drone´s Nagano: We always want to win
MRS group leader dr. Martin Saska gave an interview to Forbes magazine. About the experimental campaign in the United Arab Emirates, research and other projects of the group you can read here

Police against drones

Police against drones
On May 7, 2021, Prima – Main News broadcast a report on how the police are looking for a way to destroy drones in case they endanger the health of people or their property. Martin Saska also contributed to the report. The report in Czech <a href="http://“>is here About it also informed Mlada Fronta Dnes …read more

Nature inspires drones: Robotics imitate the flight of a flock of birds

Nature inspires drones: Robotics imitate the flight of a flock of birds
In recent weeks, our researchers from the Multi-Robot Systems (MRS) group have been testing low-flying swarms of autonomous small multi-engine helicopters (drones) in the desert environment of the United Arab Emirates. A stabilized swarm of low-flying robots equipped with a neural network camera flies over the inhospitable terrain of the desert. It is ready to …read more

(Česky) Absolvent naší katedry členem výzkumného týmu sondy na Měsíc

(Česky) Absolvent naší katedry členem výzkumného týmu sondy na Měsíc
Absolvent naší katedry byl hostem pořadu Hyde Park Civilizace. Diego Saikin je externím členem našeho MRS týmu a v Hyde Parku mluví o projektu Beresheet – izraelské sondě, která se pokusila přistát na Měsíci. Podívejte se, co říká o svém působení na Elektrotechnické fakultě ČVUT, jak představuje tým MRS a také o tom, co mu …read more

Dean´s Award for the Dissertation thesis was given to Robert Pěnička

Dean´s Award for the Dissertation thesis was given to Robert Pěnička
Dean´s Award for the Dissertation thesis was given to Ing. Robert Pěnička, Ph.D. (supervisor Ing. Martin Saska, Dr. rer. nat., Co-supervisor prof. Ing. Jan Faigl, Ph.D.) Theme: Data Collection Planning For Aerial Vehicles Congratulations!

(Česky) Jak se zkouší drony a roboty uvnitř jeskyně

O experimentech záchranářských robotů a dronů v Moravském krasu informovala také regionální redakce Českého rozhlasu Brno dne 25. 7. 2020. Reportáž si můžete poslechnout zde

Robert Penicka defended his PhD thesis

Ing. Robert Pěnicka successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled Data Collection Planning For Aerial Vehicles Supervisor: Ing. Martin Saska, Dr. rer. nat., Co-Supervisor: prof. Ing. Jan Faigl, Ph.D. Congratulations!

MBZIRC Abu Dhabi winner team in Prima TV News

MBZIRC Abu Dhabi winner team in Prima TV News
Success of our MBZIRC winner team on March 6, 2020 on TV Prima News. Watch the report in the 38th minute
Responsible person: Petra Rosická