Matěj Hoffmann´s comments on the new model of Humanoid robot by Figure AI

Komentář Matěje Hoffmanna k nově představenému humanoidnímu robotovi
The content of the news is only available in Czech at Seznam zprávy at this link

News report from Innovation Week

Reportáž z Týdne inovací
The 8th Innovation Week, the largest domestic innovation and artificial intelligence event, featured a team of roboticists and computer scientists from the Department of Computer Science, the Artificial Intelligence Centre, and the Department of Cybernetics. Martin Pecka appeared in a news report on TV Nova, where he talked about how robots can actively interact with …read more

Lukáš Neumann’s interview on Czech Radio about the AI

Lukáš Neumann's interview on Czech Radio about the AI
The interview is available only in Czech

Discussion about autonomous cars on the Czech radio

Rozhlasová diskuze o samořídících vozidlech
Interesting discussion about the challenges of autonomous cars with prof. Tomáš Svoboda, David Hurych / and Vladimír Rybecký /Autoweek/ on the Czech radio. The whole record is only available in the Czech language.

The EAGLE.ONE drone catches an intruder drone in the Rapotice prison

The EAGLE.ONE drone catches an intruder drone in the Rapotice prison
The drone Eagle.One caught an intruder drone in the Rapotice prison. The drone-hunter is designed to protect critical infrastructure, such as prisons, power plants or airports. The Eagle.One drone is equipped with AI on-board and is capable of launching a net in which it catches the intruder drone which might smuggle forbidden items into the …read more

Nearly 200 students joined the 2022 MRS Summer School held at the Department of Cybernetics, FEE CTU

Dvě stě studentů z celého světa se na Fakultě elektrotechnické ČVUT učí létat s drony
The Multi-Robot Systems Group hosted on August 1-5, 2022, the 2022 IEEE RAS Summer School on multi-robot systems. Nearly 200 attendees from six continents and well-known lecturers from recognized robotics laboratories worldwide participated to the event. On Friday, the event concluded with hands-on experiments with autonomous drones on the Císařský Island in Prague. News in …read more

Four-legged robot SPOT on a mission to explore the Prague underground

Robopes SPOT mapoval pražské podzemí
The latest addition to the robot team is the four-legged autonomous SPOT robot from Boston Dynamics with a robotic arm. The RBG camera and a depth sensor are integrated into the gripper, which enables the robot to gather more information and expand utilization. 3D mapping and data gathering in the Prague underground and cooperation with …read more

MRS drones documented the interiors of St. Moritz church in Olomouc

MRS drones documented the interiors of St. Moritz church in Olomouc
MRS system for documentation of the interiors of historical monuments by autonomous aerial vehicles has been deployed in the St. Moritz church in Olomouc. The drones can visit places which are not visible to the pilot as they fly autonomously, judging the environment using their onboard sensors and computer technology. They are able to take …read more

(Česky) Absolvent naší katedry členem výzkumného týmu sondy na Měsíc

(Česky) Absolvent naší katedry členem výzkumného týmu sondy na Měsíc
Absolvent naší katedry byl hostem pořadu Hyde Park Civilizace. Diego Saikin je externím členem našeho MRS týmu a v Hyde Parku mluví o projektu Beresheet – izraelské sondě, která se pokusila přistát na Měsíci. Podívejte se, co říká o svém působení na Elektrotechnické fakultě ČVUT, jak představuje tým MRS a také o tom, co mu …read more

(Česky) Česká televize i Český rozhlas informovaly o úspěchu našich robotiků a získání subvence v DARPA Grantu

(Česky) Česká televize i Český rozhlas informovaly o úspěchu našich robotiků a získání subvence v DARPA Grantu
Responsible person: Petra Rosická