Teams from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FEL) at the Czech Technical University in Prague (ČVUT) are involved in the development of new robotic and AI technologies for future industrial applications as part of the ROBOPROX project. This extensive project, funded by the Czech Ministry of Education with a total budget of over 467 million …
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Ing. Lucie Borovičková, a graduate of the Open Informatics study program, was recognized for her master thesis. The advisor of the awarded thesis was Prof. Dr. Ing. Jan Kybic, the guarantor of the Medical Electronics and Bioinformatics study program. Her thesis, titled Segmentation of Follicles from 2D Ultrasound Sequences of Ovarian Images, received the main …
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Congratulations to our two colleagues who were awarded with the Dean’s Award for Outstanding Teaching Performance in the Summer Semester of 2023/2024. Mgr. Jana Kostlivá, Ph.D., received the Dean’s Award for Outstanding Teaching Performance in the “lector” category, and RNDr. Marko Genyk-Berezovskyj was recognized for his long-term outstanding teaching contribution at FEL. Teachers are awarded …
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Patrik Vacek successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis: Improving 3D perception from Unlabeled Data and was awarded the Ph.D. title in the Artificial Intelligence and Biocybernetics doctoral study program. Supervisor: prof. Ing. Tomáš Svoboda, Ph.D. Supervisor specialist: doc. Ing. Karel Zimmermann, Ph.D. Congratulations!
Jan Pichl successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis: Natural Language Understanding in Open-Domain Dialogue Systems and was awarded the Ph.D. title in the Artificial Intelligence and Biocybernetics doctoral study program. Supervisor: Ing. Jiří Kubalík, Ph.D. Supervisor specialist: Ing. Jan Šedivý, Csc. Congratulations!
Photos from the event are available here
Vojta Vonásek received the Dean’s Award for teaching in the winter semester 2023/24. Teachers are awarded for teaching results based on the recommendation of a Committee appointed by the Dean. The committee’s decision is based on the results of the students´ verbal survey, suggestions from the heads of departments, and other factors such as the …
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Ing. Milan Němý successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis Basal forebrain, Cholinergic white matter pathways, and cognition in normal aging and Alzheimer’s disease and was awarded the Ph.D. title in the doctoral study program Artificial Inteligence and Biocybernetics. Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Olga Štěpánková, CSc. Supervisor specialist: Ing. Lenka Vysloužilová, Ph.D. Congratulations!
Yash Patel successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis Neural Network Training and Non-Differentiable Objective Functions /supervisor prof. Jiří Matas/. Yash was the first candidate who was awarded the Ph.D. title in the new study program Computer Science. Congratulations!
Last year, the council of the Dept. of Cybernetics decided to reduce the number of PCs in both computer labs from 30 to 20. In each computer lab, we thus have 10 seats without computers which are popular among students who bring their own notebooks and who also appreciate free space on their desks. The …
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