Interview with professor Matas about recognition of deepfake pictures

Interview with professor Matas about recognition of deepfake pictures
Prof. Matas interview on Czech Radio Radiožurnál on September 12, 2024 is available here /only in Czech language/. The article also includes a link to listen to the interview. AI experts from the Department of Cybernetics will be involved in developing and using artificial intelligence tools to detect manipulative claims in public space and increase …read more

Award for the best poster at the conference in Turkey

Award for the best poster at the conference in Turkey
We are happy to announce that Miroslav Purkrábek and Jiří Matas won the award for the best poster at the 18th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition in Turkey. More information including link to the special website promoting their research is available at the Faculty website. Congratulations!

Can we detect tooth decay with the help of AI?

Can we detect tooth decay with the help of AI?
Scientists from FEE CTU and the 1st Faculty of Medicine of Charles University have found a way to detect tooth decay more reliably with the help of artificial intelligence. The new research, published in the journal Clinical Oral Investigations, compared the performance of an automated caries detection method with that of seven dentists, three novices, …read more

Yash Patel is a winner of Antonín Svoboda Award for the Best Ph.D. Thesis

Yash Patel is a winner of Antonín Svoboda Award for the Best Ph.D. Thesis
Yash Patel was announced as a winner of the Antonín Svoboda Award for the Best Ph.D. for Thesis defended in 2023. The Czech Society for Cybernetics and Informatics selects the best Ph.D. Thesis every year. The PhD thesis topic falls within the scope of ČSKI’s scientific activities (cybernetics, informatics, and related fields). Any Thesis defended in …read more

Yash Patel received the Dean´s Award for prestigious dissertation

Yash Patel získal Cenu děkana za prestižní dizertační práci
The Dean’s Awards for prestigious dissertations were awarded on March 13th at the Scientific Council meeting. Researcher Yash Patel was awarded for his work Neural Network Training and Non-Differentiable Objective Functions under the supervision of Prof. Jiří Matas. Yash was the first candidate who received the Ph.D. title in the new study program Computer Science. …read more

Werner von Siemense Awards 2023

Werner von Siemense Awards 2023
Congratulations to Ing. Jekatěrina Jaroslavceva and her supervisor prof. Ondřej Chum and also to dr. Vojtěch Spurný and his supervisor doc. Martin Saska for their extraordinary achievement in this year’s Werner von Siemens Awards! Jekatěrina received two awards. She was awarded for excellence in women’s scientific work and she was a runner-up in the category …read more

Succes in the Czech Science Foundation GAČR competition for three projects from our department

V grantové soutěži GAČR uspěli letos tři projekty z naší katedry
The Czech Science Foundation (GACR), the largest Czech grant funding provider for basic research, will fund 357 scientific projects being launched next year in the Standard Projects and POSTDOC INDIVIDUAL FELLOWSHIP grant schemes. These projects will receive CZK 2,75 billion over the next 3 years. The projects receiving funding cover a wide range of basic …read more

Lukáš Neumann awarded the prestigious GA ČR JUNIOR STAR grant

Lukáš Neumann získal prestižní grant JUNIOR STAR od GA ČR
The Czech Science Foundation (GA ČR)  announced the results of the JUNIOR STAR 2024 projects. The highly selective tender is aimed at excellent early-career scientists coming to the Czech Republic from abroad or with significant international experience. With an exceptional funding amount of CZK 25 million for 5 years, the scientists will be able to …read more

Zuzana Kúkelová was awarded NEURON 2023 prize for promising scientists

Zuzana Kúkelová was awarded NEURON 2023 prize for promising scientists
Congratulations to Zuzana Kúkelová for her achievement! She is the laureate of the Neuron 2023 prize for promising scientists in the field of computer science. The prizes are awarded to Czech scientists for their scientific results and should be perceived as encouraging to their further work. An independent local Scientific Council selects the laureates in …read more

Dominika Burešova’s achievement in the Global Undegraduate Awards

Úspěch studentky Dominiky Burešové v Global Undergraduate Awards
Congratulations to our student Dominika Burešová for her achievement!  Dominika was supervised by Prof. RNDr. Pavel Pták, DrSc, and worked as a part of Prof. Navara´s team. She was named Highly Commended in the Mathematics and Physics category in the prestigious Global Undergraduate Awards for 2023. The Global Undergraduate Awards (often referred to as the …read more
Responsible person: Petra Rosická