At its 28th General Assembly on 17 May 2022, the Learned Society of the Czech Republic elected Professor Jiří Matas as a full member.
“The Learned Society of the Czech Republic is fully aware of the fundamental importance of the rapidly developing field of artificial intelligence and machine learning for society, and thus appreciates that Jiří Matas has become a member,” said Dr. Ivo Starý from the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the CAS, who also serves as the Scientific Secretary of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic.
“Jiří Matas has demonstrated his extraordinary excellence in the field of artificial intelligence research on an international scale. He is an outstanding expert in the field of technical sciences and has an unmissable scientific personality. His subject of interest is basic and applied research on computer vision and machine learning with emphasis on object recognition and retrieval, representation learning, tracking, text recognition and minimal problems in computer vision. Jiří Matas has published more than 250 original papers in peer-reviewed journals and conferences, and the international acclaim for his work is extraordinary: he is one of the most cited Czech scientists,” Dr. Ivo Starý summarized the reasons for the acceptance of Prof. Jiří Matas. He also recalled that Jiří Matas, as part of his teaching activities, has consistently devoted himself to the education of students, some of whom have achieved outstanding results under his guidance.
The Learned Society of the Czech Republic was established on May 10, 1994 at a festive session in the Hall of Patriots of Carolinum. Currently, the Learned Society of the Czech Republic has 110 full members, 52 foreign members and 16 emeritus members. Its statutes state that the number of full members of the Society shall not exceed one hundred and eleven.