An interesting interview with Prof. Matas on the Aktuálně.cz SPOTLIGHT program on February 27, 2025. In the half-hour interview, Prof. Matas discussed various topics related to AI and visual recognition, such as how to protect privacy from the negative impacts of artificial intelligence or how AI can be used in criminology and medicine. You can …
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Congratulations to Ing. Jekatěrina Jaroslavceva and her supervisor prof. Ondřej Chum and also to dr. Vojtěch Spurný and his supervisor doc. Martin Saska for their extraordinary achievement in this year’s Werner von Siemens Awards! Jekatěrina received two awards. She was awarded for excellence in women’s scientific work and she was a runner-up in the category …
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Ph.D. students Radim Špetlík from the Department of Cybernetics and Michal Kučera from the Department of Computer Graphics and Interaction and Open Computer Science student David Kunz won the Chaos Neurathon 2023, their team named “All You Need Is All You Need”. This competition, the first of its kind, focused on using artificial intelligence in …
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On December 7th the Department of Cybernetics hosted the 46th Colloquium in Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision. It is a biannual event with a rich tradition dating back to 1998. This esteemed gathering is jointly organized by the Visual Recognition Group and enjoys the generous support of the Czech Pattern Recognition Society (CPRS). The technical program is curated …
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Congratulations to Zuzana Kúkelová for her achievement! She is the laureate of the Neuron 2023 prize for promising scientists in the field of computer science. The prizes are awarded to Czech scientists for their scientific results and should be perceived as encouraging to their further work. An independent local Scientific Council selects the laureates in …
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Congratulations to Ondřej Chum from the department of Cybernetics, who was promoted to Full Professor. He is one of 11 new Full Proffesors who were anounced by the President of the Czech Republic and will receive their diplomas in person from the Ministry of Eduation later in January 2022.
On January 29, 2021, Vojtěch Petráček presented the CTU 2019 Rector’s Awards for outstanding results in research. Filip Radenovic, Giorgos Tolias and Ondrej Chum have received the award for prestigious publication for their article “Fine-Tuning CNN Image Retrieval with No Human Annotation” in the journal IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI). You …
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