Dr. Tomáš Pajdla in Czech Radio

Our colleague, dr. Tomáš Pajdla (Geometry of Vision and Robotics Group), was invited to the Studio Leonardo of the Czech Radio. He discussed (in Czech language) the topic „About the robots and computer vision“. Many thanks for the representation of our department!

Members of our Department participate in Czech Television series “Jednou nohou v absolutnu”

Several members of our Department participated in Czech TV series “Jednou nohou v absolutnu”. More details can be found at the faculty page of the whole project.

Tomáš Svoboda in DVTV about Autonomous Vehicles

Tomáš Svoboda v DVTV o autech bez řidiče
Tomáš Svoboda discussed on DVTV with Martin Veselovský the future of transportation systems and autonomous vehicles (in Czech). Many thanks for successful representation of our department!

Dr. Tomáš Pajdla in Czech Radio

Our colleague, dr. Tomáš Pajdla (Geometry of Vision and Robotics Group), was invited to the Studio Leonardo of the Czech Radio. He discussed (in Czech language) the topic „How difficult it is to program a robot“. Many thanks for the representation of our department!

Dr. Tomáš Pajdla in Czech Radio

Our colleague, dr. Tomáš Pajdla, head of the Geometry of Vision and Robotics research group, was invited to the Kontakt Dvojky (in Czech) program of the Czech Radio Dvojka channel. He discussed practical applications of computer vision and robotics (in Czech). Many thanks for the representation of our department!

Prof. Václav Hlaváč in Czech Radio

Our colleague, prof. Václav Hlaváč, head of the Center of Machine Perception, was invited to the Trends (in Czech) program of the Czech Radio Plus channel. He took part in a discussion (in Czech) about robotics and its influence to the society. Many thanks for the representation of our department!

Face recognition in “Studio 6” report in Czech TV

Studio 6, a Czech TV morning show, broadcasted a report about a scientific fair (in Czech only) (see also scientific fair (in Czech only). The report features (starting at 00:40) the face recognition project, a long-term effort of the Center for Machine Perception, group of prof. Matas. Many thanks for the representation of our department!

Drones and mobile robots at TV Barrandov

On August 18, 2014, a local Czech TV Barrandov broadcasted a short report about drones and mobile robots at our department (in Czech, the report starts at 24:10). Thanks to Michal Reinstein for a representation of our department!

Results of our BIA research group presented in Technicall magazine

The results of the Biomedical Imaging Algorithms (BIA) research group headed by doc. Jan Kybic are presented in Technicall magazine (1/2014). To learn more, see the articles (in Czech) called Počítač v roli patologa and Užitečný nástroj pro genetiky.

Daniel Novák in Czech Radio

Daniel Novák appeared in the show Kontakt dvojky (in Czech) of Czech radio. He introduced his research in the field of assistive technologies. Many thanks for the representation of our department!
Responsible person: Petra Rosická