Jan Čech on detecting fake videos and photos

Jan Čech on detecting fake videos and photos
Jan Čech /VRG/ appeared on a Czech Television program Události and commented on the development of detecting fake videos and photos, noting the improving trend.

Jonáš Šerých defended his Ph.D. Thesis

Jonáš Šerých successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis: Visual Tracking with Segmentation and Geometry Estimation and was awarded the Ph.D. title in the Artificial Intelligence and Biocybernetics doctoral study program. Supervisor: prof. Ing. Jiří Matas, Ph.D. Congratulations!

Tomáš Jeníček defended his Ph.D. Thesis

Tomáš Jeníček successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis: Image Retrieval Across Challenging Conditions and was awarded the Ph.D. title in the Artificial Intelligence and Biocybernetics doctoral study program. Supervisor: prof. Mgr. Ondřej Chum, Ph.D Congratulations!

Czech scientists are working to improve robots

 Czech scientists are working to improve robots
Czech scientists are working to improve robots – this was the title of a segment on the main Czech Television news program Události on December 11. The broadcast link is here, and the segment begins at 50:12. Matěj Hoffmann and Jakub Rozlivek discussed their experiment, which involves playing a board game with the humanoid robot …read more

Official launch of project CEDMO 2.0 NPO

Projekt CEDMO 2.0 NPO byl oficiálně odstartován
The interdisciplinary project CEDMO 2.0 NPO, focused on combating disinformation, was officially launched with an inaugural meeting of partner institutions. On Wednesday, October 23, 2024, researchers and representatives of the participating institutions gathered at the Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) to officially kick off the CEDMO 2.0 NPO project. The project aims to strengthen …read more

Long term project collaboration with Lockheed Martin

Dlouhodobý projekt s firmou Lockheed Martin
The Czech Technical University will collaborate with Lockheed Martin on the research and development of a highly maneuverable unmanned vehicle. Researchers from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FEL) at the Czech Technical University (CTU) and experts from the Czech Aerospace Research Centre will work together with the global security and aerospace company Lockheed Martin to …read more

Zuzana Kúkelová in the TOP Women Scientists of Czechia 2024 by Forbes magazine

Zuzana Kúkelová ve výběru TOP vědkyně Česka 2024 časopisu Forbes
Forbes magazine has compiled a selection of the TOP Women Scientists of Czechia. They chose interesting, inspiring, and active female scientists from various fields in an effort to showcase a wide range of top-level science (not only) in Czechia. Zuzana Kúkelová from our department made it into the selection. You can find Zuzana Kúkelová’s profile …read more

Giorgos Kordopatis-Zilos received the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023 grant

 Giorgos Kordopatis-Zilos obdržel MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023 grant
The “LUSt: Learning a Universal Similarity Function” project has been funded under Horizon Europe and will run for two years (2025-2026). This grant supports a postdoctoral fellowship at CTU in Prague with Giorgos Tolias as an advisor and a collaboration with the University of Amsterdam and assistant professor Pascal Mettes. The project’s objective is to perform research on similarity learning …read more

Open PhD and PostDoc position in Physics Based Machine Learning

Research group Vision for Robotics and Autonomous Systems (VRAS) at the Department of Cybernetics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, is looking for outstanding PhD students and postdoctoral researchers in the following areas: Physics-based learning (Neural symbolic architectures) Self-supervised learning, End-to-end learning with explainability More details on the LinkedIn page.

Patrik Vacek defended his Ph.D. thesis

Patrik Vacek successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis: Improving 3D perception from Unlabeled Data  and was awarded the Ph.D. title in the Artificial Intelligence and Biocybernetics doctoral study program. Supervisor: prof. Ing. Tomáš Svoboda, Ph.D. Supervisor specialist: doc. Ing. Karel Zimmermann, Ph.D. Congratulations!
Responsible person: Petra Rosická