New Kornia Deep Learning Library

The VRG group has successfully helped to extend the official PyTorch ecosystem. The group developed the new Kornia Deep Learning library which recently have been added to PyTorch ecosystem. PyTorch is the 2nd popular deep learning framework in the world, so it is kind of big deal. One of the core developers of the kornia …read more

Interview with Dmytro Mishkin, Computer Vision Researcher

Interview with Dmytro Mishkin, Computer Vision Researcher
Dmytro Mishkin is a Ph.D. student in Computer Vision at the Center for Machine Perception of Department of Cybernetics. Dmytro ´s interests lie in areas like deep learning, metric learning, image matching, local features and so on. Dmytro’s research has been widely successful in many areas of machine learning and computer vision in general. The …read more

Call for Humanoids group PhD position

The group of Humanoid and Cognitive Robotics coordinated by Dr Matej Hoffmann opens a PhD position in the humanoid, cognitive, neuro-, and collaborative robotics research. The topics are in the context of the newly starting 5-year project entitled “Whole-body awareness for safe and natural interaction: from brains to collaborative robots” for excellence in fundamental research …read more

Call for Valeo.AI-sponsored PhD student/researcher

We open a PhD position in the university environment while being partially supervised by the top-tier researcher from Valeo.AI research group. Show your research to be meaningful by running your codes on the real self-driving car to improve human safety. The position is sponsored by Valeo.AI. WE SEEK CANDIDATES: who are excellent, self-motivated, and willing …read more

Call for Vision for Robotics and Autonomous Systems group´s Positions

Vision for Robotics and Autonomous Systems group ( seeks one excellent PhD student and one PostDoc on the following fully-funded positions: DARPA Subterranenan Challenge: Cutting-edge research in the autonomous mapping (SLAM) for mobile robotics. We are expanding the team that just won the DARPA SubT challenge to help us to help us to win again! …read more


Matej Hoffmann has been awarded the “GAČR EXPRO” project for excellence in fundamental research from the Czech Science Foundation ( for his proposal entitled “Whole-body awareness for safe and natural interaction: from brains to collaborative robots”. The grant will support him and his group for 5 years (2020-2024). As robots are leaving safety fences and …read more

Generalized Image Retrieval and Relation Discovery – a new Grant

Generalized Image Retrieval and Relation Discovery - a new Grant
Ondrej Chum received Grant Generalized Image Retrieval and Relation Discovery In the project, will be generalized the retrieval of related images beyond search of visually similar images. Team will study various definitions of relatedness, investigate algorithms for efficient search, and derive novel representations that support search and discovery of related images. Applications range from …read more

D.Rozumnyi and Prof. J.Matas awarded Honorable Mention at GCPR

D.Rozumnyi and Prof. J.Matas awarded Honorable Mention at GCPR
D.Rozumnyi and prof. J.Matas were awarded the Honorable Mention for Outstanding Contribution at “German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR)” for the publication R. Rozumnyi, J. Kotera, F. Sroubek J. Matas: Non-Causal Tracking by Deblatting. Gratulujeme!

Success of CTU-CRAS’ robots in US in Main evening news, Czech TV

Success of CTU-CRAS' robots in US in Main evening news, Czech TV
It doesn’t happen every day that you appear in the main evening broadcasting at Czech TV (Česká televize). It does for example when you win DARPA SubT Challenge among self-funded teams. Amazing success of ČVUT FEL team CTU-CRAS formed by our teams Multi-robot Systems (Martin Saska) and Vision for Robotics and Autonomous Systems (Tomáš Svoboda) and colleagues …read more

Tomas Jenicek and Ondra Chum in MIT Technology Review

Tomas Jenicek and Ondra Chum in MIT Technology Review
The work of Tomas Jenicek and Ondra Chum Linking Art trhought Human Poses is discussed in MIT Technology Review article Machine vision can spot unknown links between classic artworks. Congratulations!
Responsible person: Petra Rosická