D.Rozumnyi and Prof. J.Matas awarded Honorable Mention at GCPR

D.Rozumnyi a prof. J.Matas získali Honorable Mention na GCPR
D.Rozumnyi and prof. J.Matas were awarded the Honorable Mention for Outstanding Contribution at “German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR)” for the publication R. Rozumnyi, J. Kotera, F. Sroubek J. Matas: Non-Causal Tracking by Deblatting. Gratulujeme!

Tomas Jenicek and Ondra Chum in MIT Technology Review

Tomáš Jeníček a Ondra Chum v časopise MIT Technology Review
The work of Tomas Jenicek and Ondra Chum Linking Art trhought Human Poses is discussed in MIT Technology Review article Machine vision can spot unknown links between classic artworks. Congratulations!

Tracked vehicle simulation model for Gazebo

Tracked vehicle simulation model for Gazebo
The VRAS group has successfully helped the global open-source robotics community by implementing the first plausible simulation model of tracked vehicles. The model has just been made available to everyone as part of the Gazebo simulator Among others, it will help the CRAS-CTU team in the global DARPA SubT challenge where a team of robots …read more

CyberSpace 3

CyberSpace 3
Are you looking for an interesting topic for your bachelor or master thesis? Department of Cybernetics invites you to CyberSpace, an informal meeting with coffee and refreshments, where we present some of the projects we work on and where you can take part in the form of your bachelor/diploma project. It is an excellent opportunity …read more

Interview with prof. Chang-hee (Andy) Won, Ph.D.

From February to July 2019, prof. Chang-hee Won of Temple University in Pennsylvania, USA will be visiting CTU as a holder of the Fulbright-CTU Distinguished Chair fellowship. His professional interests include sensors and image processing and advanced control theory. His host will be prof. Jan Kybic from the Department of Cybernetics of the Faculty of …read more

ACCV Best Paper Award for J.Pritts, Z.Kukelova and O.Chum

ACCV Best Paper Award for J.Pritts, Z.Kukelova and O.Chum
  James Pritts, Zuzana Kukelova  and Ondrej Chum from Center of Machine Perception were awarded Saburo Tsuji Paper Award at 14th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV) for their paper James Pritts, Zuzana Kukelova, Viktor Larsson, Ondrej Chum: Rectification from Radially Distorted Scales. Congratulations!

Ing. Vladimír Kubelka defended his Ph.D. thesis

Ing. Vladimír Kubelka successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled Improving perception and locomotion capabilities of mobile robots in urban search and rescue missions (supervisor: doc. Ing. Tomáš Svoboda, Ph.D., supervisor specialist: Ing. Michal Reinštein, Ph.D.). Congratulations!

Interactive Perception-Action-Learning for Modelling Objects

Interactive Perception-Action-Learning for Modelling Objects
We are partners in a new European research project (CHIST-ERA call) IPALM – Interactive Perception-Action-Learning for Modelling Objects coordinated by Imperial College London. Matej Hoffmann is the PI for our part. The objective of the project is to develop methods for the automatic digitization of objects and their physical properties by exploratory manipulations. The methods …read more

CyberSpace 2

CyberSpace 2
Are you still looking for an interesting topic for your bachelor or master thesis? Department of Cybernetics invites you to CyberSpace, an informal meeting with coffee and refreshments, where we present some of the projects we work on and where you can take part in the form of your bachelor/diploma project. It is an excellent …read more

Human-robot interaction at HRI 2018

Human-robot interaction at HRI 2018
Work in collaboration with IIT Genoa and Yale University on Compact real-time avoidance on a humanoid robot for human-robot interaction appeared at the HRI 2018 Conference held in Chicago. [pdf @ arxiv | youtube video]
Responsible person: Petra Rosická