An increasing role of AI algorithms in search for effective cancer treatments

An increasing role of AI algorithms in search for effective cancer treatments
Artificial intelligence algorithms of scientists from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of CTU and the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Olomouc help to accelerate the development of anticancer drugs. Artificial intelligence algorithms will play an increasing role in the search for effective cancer treatments. Machine learning methods can significantly reduce the time, effort …read more

Researchers at FEL CTU presented inovations in aerial robotics

Researchers at FEL CTU presented inovations in aerial robotics
The Multi-robot Systems Group demonstrated results of the development of new technologies for aerial robots in Temešvár, South Bohemia. During the practical flight demonstrations, the group demonstrated a technology which prevents hostile takeover of control over the drone in the form of GPS spoofing. GPS Spoofing is an intelligent form of jamming where a drone …read more

Prof. Matas is the highest ranked computer scientist from the Czech Republic

Prof. Matas is the highest ranked computer scientist from the Czech Republic
According to’s international ranking, which evaluates the success of computer scientists based on their H-index, citations, and the number of papers collected by 21 December 2022, the top-ranked Czech computer scientist is prof. Jiří Matas. The success of CTU is underlined by the fact that it has three representatives among the first four Czech scientists …read more

Drone developers from FEE CTU have designed the RaDron solution to help rescue forces

Drone developers from FEE CTU have designed the RaDron solution to help rescue forces
The search for a lost miniature source of radioactive caesium-137 has managed to keep authorities and emergency services in Western Australia busy in recent days. The source of the dangerous beta and gamma radiation was finally found after an intensive deployment of rescue and firefighters and special equipment, but the alarming incident will continue to raise …read more

Rector’s Prize for an outstanding doctoral dissertation

Rector's Prize for an outstanding doctoral dissertation
The Rector’s prize for an outstanding doctoral dissertation was awarded to Ing. Tomáš Hodaň, Ph.D. for his doctoral Thesis  „Pose Estimation of Specific Rigid Objects“ and to Mgr. Dmytro Mishkin, Ph.D. for „Learning and Crafting for the Wide Multiple Baseline Stereo“. Congratulations to both researchers!

Boris Flach received the Dean’s Award for teaching

 Boris Flach received the Dean’s Award for teaching
Doc. Boris Flach, Dr. rer. nat. habil. received the Dean’s Award for teaching in the summer semester 2021/22. Teachers are awarded for teaching results based on the recommendation of a Committee appointed by the Dean. The committee’s decision is based on the results of the students´ verbal survey, suggestions from the heads of departments, and …read more

The EAGLE.ONE drone catches an intruder drone in the Rapotice prison

The EAGLE.ONE drone catches an intruder drone in the Rapotice prison
The drone Eagle.One caught an intruder drone in the Rapotice prison. The drone-hunter is designed to protect critical infrastructure, such as prisons, power plants or airports. The Eagle.One drone is equipped with AI on-board and is capable of launching a net in which it catches the intruder drone which might smuggle forbidden items into the …read more
Responsible person: Petra Rosická