Dmytro Mishkin defended his PhD thesis

Dmytro Mishkin successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis Learning and Crafting for the Wide Multiple Baseline Stereo  Supervisor: prof. Ing. Jiří Matas, Ph.D. Congratulations!

Christmas Video Success 2021

Christmas Video Success 2021
The Christmas video “Happy Holidays from the Robot Nativity” was very popular in the last days of this year. – on YouTube – almost 17 500 views, 735 likes, 28 comments – on Facebook – more than 16,200 views, reach among 46,000 people, 1,100 positive reactions only (thumbs up, hearts, etc.), 192 shares, 65 comments …read more

Our robots wish everyone a Merry Christmas

An empty lecture hall bathed in blue evening light. Silence reigns, only on the blackboard we see a complex pattern over which is written “Merry Christmas”. Then a Scarab wrapped in Christmas lights walks across one of the tables, soon a robot emerges from behind the door, shrouded in darkness, and the slow strains of …read more

Tomáš Svoboda received Dean’s Award for teaching

Tomáš Svoboda received Dean's Award for teaching
Prof. Ing. Tomáš Svoboda, Ph.D. received the Dean’s Award for teaching in the summer semester 2020/21. Teachers are awarded for teaching results based on the recommendation of a Committee appointed by the Dean . The committee decision is based on the results of the students´ verbal survey, suggestions of the heads of departments, and other …read more

Rector of the CTU awarded medals for extraordinary performances during the coronavirus

Rector of the CTU awarded medals for extraordinary performances during the coronavirus
Dne 30. listopadu 2021 se uskutečnilo v Betlémské kapli slavnostní předání Medailí k ocenění odborníků ČVUT za mimořádné výkony v době krize. Rektor ČVUT doc. Vojtěch Petráček udělil 106 medailí výzkumníkům a dalším osobnostem, kteří svými inovacemi a osobním či týmovým zapojením přispěli k řešení pandemické situace koronaviru v České republice i v zahraničí. Medaile …read more

JUNIOR STAR grant from GA ČR was awarded to Dr. Zuzana Kúkelová

JUNIOR STAR grant from GA ČR was awarded to Dr. Zuzana Kúkelová
Czech Science Foundation awarded the JUNIOR START Grants which provide 5-year financial support to excellent projects of junior scientists who are expected to have a big scientific impact. One of these grants was awarded to RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., from Dept. of Cybernetics, FEE CTU, who succeeded with her project New generation of camera geometry …read more

Tomáš Báča received the Dean’s Award for a prestigious dissertation

Tomáš Báča received the Dean’s Award for a prestigious dissertation
The Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering CTU Prof. Mgr. Petr Páta, Ph.D. awarded the Dean’s Award for a prestigious dissertation thesis to Dr. Tomáš Báča on December 8th. The topic of the dissertation is Cooperative Sensing by a Group of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. The supervisor was doc. Ing. Martin Saska, Dr. rer. nat. …read more

Spot, Charlie and Daisy at the Crystal Loupe 2021

Spot, Charlie and Daisy at the Crystal Loupe 2021
The Crystal Loupe – Czech Internet Award is a regular voting of the public and an expert jury, in which the most popular and interesting projects and services of the Czech Internet are selected and awarded. This year’s 16th edition of the award ceremony was hosted also by Prof. Tomáš Svoboda and his robots Charlie, …read more

Flying robots at the Dubai EXPO will celebrate Čapek and Czech innovation

Flying robots will celebrate Čapek’s legacy and Czech innovation at the Dubai EXPO. More in Aktualita FEL CTU and in the Press Release of FEL CTU. Links are only in Czech

Czech robotics in the national pavilion of EXPO in Dubai

Czech robotics in the national pavilion of EXPO in Dubai
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic informed about the participation of the Mulitirobotic Systems Group in the National Expo Pavilion in Dubai, which is presenting a pilot project of autonomous delivery of parcels using drones. The rotating exhibition dedicated to robotics was also covered by local television in Dubai.
Responsible person: Petra Rosická