The best robots SPOT and DAISY trained rescue work in Bull Rock. In September they want to conquer America

The best robots SPOT and DAISY trained rescue work in Bull Rock. In September they want to conquer America
Read the article and listen to the report with interviews with members of the CTU-CRAS-NORLAB teams from 29 June 2021 on ČRo Plus ( Czech Radio Plus also broadcast live from the Bull Rock Cave on June 25 – beginning at 15:51:32, link Watch the video on TV Adamov

Drones contrary to bats. How robots trained in the Bull Rock Cave

Drones contrary to bats. How robots trained in the Bull Rock Cave
From 21 to 25 June 2021, the cave complex Býčí skála in the Moravian Karst hosted the preparation of our robotics team for the final round of the DARPA Subterranean Challenge, which will take place from 21 to 24 September 2021 in the United States of America. The purpose of the competition, which is a …read more

Robots will train in the cave

Robots will train in the cave
Next week, a four-legged robot SPOT will step into the Bull Rock in the Moravian Karst for the first time, together with other robotic systems and drones from the team of roboticists from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FEL) of CTU. In the cave complex, which serves as one of the largest wintering grounds for …read more

CT 24 set out to walk the four-legged robot SPOT

  CT 24 set out to walk the four-legged robot SPOT
He overcomes obstacles in difficult terrain, climbs stairs, can wade through mud and water. The four-legged robot SPOT is now available to cyberneticists from the CTU. They plan to improve the American-made device and use it in the finals of a prestigious robotics competition. The Czech team was able to afford the robot thanks to …read more

SPOT on Czech TV

SPOT on Czech TV
In today’s Studio 6 on CT 1, representatives of the DARPA team Prof. Tomáš Svoboda and Ing. Tomáš Rouček. You can watch the report here, starts at 1:26:30

The four-legged SPOT will fortify the DARPA team

The four-legged SPOT will fortify the DARPA team
Approximately twenty-member team of robotics CTU-CRAS-NORLAB (Czech Technical University – Center for Robotics and Autonomous Systems – Northern Robotics Laboratory) will set off in the fall to the underground complex MegaCavern in Kentucky, USA to defend third place in the finals of the prestigious DARPA Subterranean (SubT) Challenge, which will take place from 21 to …read more

Robot Spot in media

About the success of our robotics under the leadership of prof. Tomas Svoboda and plans with Spot robot informed the server E 15 , E 15 lI, Seznam Zprávy,,,,,,, ČT24,,, Právo – Trhy a ekonomika,,,,,

(Česky) Česká televize i Český rozhlas informovaly o úspěchu našich robotiků a získání subvence v DARPA Grantu

(Česky) Česká televize i Český rozhlas informovaly o úspěchu našich robotiků a získání subvence v DARPA Grantu

Our Roboticists won at the DARPA Subterranean Challenge Urban Circuit among self-funded teams and scored 3rd overall

Our Roboticists won at the DARPA Subterranean Challenge Urban Circuit among self-funded teams and scored 3rd overall
In the second half of February 2020, ten robotic teams gathered at the nearly-built but unfinished nuclear power plant near Elma, Washington. The robots were sent into the underground maze of the huge concrete-steel in a quest to find and locate predetermined 20 artifacts. Researchers, graduate and undergraduate students of Departments of Cybernetics and Computer …read more

Success of CTU-CRAS’ robots in US in Main evening news, Czech TV

Success of CTU-CRAS' robots in US in Main evening news, Czech TV
It doesn’t happen every day that you appear in the main evening broadcasting at Czech TV (Česká televize). It does for example when you win DARPA SubT Challenge among self-funded teams. Amazing success of ČVUT FEL team CTU-CRAS formed by our teams Multi-robot Systems (Martin Saska) and Vision for Robotics and Autonomous Systems (Tomáš Svoboda) and colleagues …read more
Responsible person: Petra Rosická