Reporter magazine invited prof. Matas to the Guest Reporter podcast

Guest of reporter Robert Čásenský: Jiri Matas Listen to podcast

CT 24 set out to walk the four-legged robot SPOT

  CT 24 set out to walk the four-legged robot SPOT
He overcomes obstacles in difficult terrain, climbs stairs, can wade through mud and water. The four-legged robot SPOT is now available to cyberneticists from the CTU. They plan to improve the American-made device and use it in the finals of a prestigious robotics competition. The Czech team was able to afford the robot thanks to …read more

SPOT on Czech TV

SPOT on Czech TV
In today’s Studio 6 on CT 1, representatives of the DARPA team Prof. Tomáš Svoboda and Ing. Tomáš Rouček. You can watch the report here, starts at 1:26:30

Capek would be surprised – A robot from CTU will take part in a competition for millions of dollars

Forbes magazine published comprehensively and with great interest about our SPOT robot and participation in the DARPA Subterranean Challenge with this headline. The whole journalist article you can read here Photo Petr Neugebauer, FEE CTU

Prof. Jiri Matas is the best rated computer scientist from the Czech Republic, CTU the best university

Prof. Jiri Matas is the best rated computer scientist from the Czech Republic, CTU the best university
The international Guide2Research evaluates successful computer science on the basis of their H-index, citations, and the number of documents in the DBLP database collected by May 10, 2021. The “Top Computer Scientists Ranking” includes all top computer scientists from the Czech Republic. The best rated is prof. Jiří Matas, Head of the Visual Recognition Group …read more

The four-legged SPOT will fortify the DARPA team

The four-legged SPOT will fortify the DARPA team
Approximately twenty-member team of robotics CTU-CRAS-NORLAB (Czech Technical University – Center for Robotics and Autonomous Systems – Northern Robotics Laboratory) will set off in the fall to the underground complex MegaCavern in Kentucky, USA to defend third place in the finals of the prestigious DARPA Subterranean (SubT) Challenge, which will take place from 21 to …read more

Robot Spot in media

About the success of our robotics under the leadership of prof. Tomas Svoboda and plans with Spot robot informed the server E 15 , E 15 lI, Seznam Zprávy,,,,,,, ČT24,,, Právo – Trhy a ekonomika,,,,,

Testing of drones in the UAE desert in media

The media also reported on the project of testing a drone swarm in the UAE desert for humanitarian and rescue operations Strojírenství.cz Tech Magazín ČRo Radiožurnál Deník Metro Lidové noviny Česká věda do světa Haló noviny Hospodářské noviny Svět chytře Epocha Plus …read more

Czech Drone´s Nagano: We always want to win

Czech Drone´s Nagano: We always want to win
MRS group leader dr. Martin Saska gave an interview to Forbes magazine. About the experimental campaign in the United Arab Emirates, research and other projects of the group you can read here

Amazon Research Awards: Our researchers succeeded in the global competition

Amazon Research Awards: Our researchers succeeded in the global competition
Artificial intelligence (AI) research got into the most prestigious society of 59 universities in 13 countries. Among the 101 scientists awarded the Amazon Research Award 2020 (ARA) by Amazon are prof. Jiří Matas from the Department of Cybernetics and prof. Jan Faigl from the Department of Computers. Professor Jiří Matas succeeded with the project Training …read more
Responsible person: Petra Rosická