Outstanding results of Department of Cybernetics in governmental evaluation based on Methodology17+

 Outstanding results of Department of Cybernetics in governmental evaluation based on Methodology17+
The major success of the scientific teams of the Department of Cybernetics was the achievement of Rank 1 in the evaluation based on the M17 + Methodology. In the category of contribution to knowledge, a total of 6 results of excellent Rank 1 were achieved at FEE CTU in 2020, of which 4 were from …read more

Tomáš Svoboda received Dean’s Award for teaching

Tomáš Svoboda received Dean's Award for teaching
Prof. Ing. Tomáš Svoboda, Ph.D. received the Dean’s Award for teaching in the summer semester 2020/21. Teachers are awarded for teaching results based on the recommendation of a Committee appointed by the Dean . The committee decision is based on the results of the students´ verbal survey, suggestions of the heads of departments, and other …read more

Rector of the CTU awarded medals for extraordinary performances during the coronavirus

Rector of the CTU awarded medals for extraordinary performances during the coronavirus
Dne 30. listopadu 2021 se uskutečnilo v Betlémské kapli slavnostní předání Medailí k ocenění odborníků ČVUT za mimořádné výkony v době krize. Rektor ČVUT doc. Vojtěch Petráček udělil 106 medailí výzkumníkům a dalším osobnostem, kteří svými inovacemi a osobním či týmovým zapojením přispěli k řešení pandemické situace koronaviru v České republice i v zahraničí. Medaile …read more

Tomáš Báča received the Dean’s Award for a prestigious dissertation

Tomáš Báča received the Dean’s Award for a prestigious dissertation
The Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering CTU Prof. Mgr. Petr Páta, Ph.D. awarded the Dean’s Award for a prestigious dissertation thesis to Dr. Tomáš Báča on December 8th. The topic of the dissertation is Cooperative Sensing by a Group of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. The supervisor was doc. Ing. Martin Saska, Dr. rer. nat. …read more

For the eleventh time, Atos honoured young talents in Computer Science with the Joseph Fourier Prize

For the eleventh time, Atos honoured young talents in Computer Science with the Joseph Fourier Prize
The Joseph Fourier Prize for Computer Science this year was won by the technical universities in Prague, Brno and Ostrava. The competition is organised every year by the French Embassy and the computer section is run by the French IT company Atos. “The aim of the competition is to recognise outstanding scientific work with a …read more

The CTU-CRAS-NORLAB team in Kentucky took silver in the virtual competition and finished sixth in the real robot competition

The CTU-CRAS-NORLAB team in Kentucky took silver in the virtual competition and finished sixth in the real robot competition
The results of the DARPA SubT Challenge finals were announced on Friday 24 September at a ceremony in Louisville, Kentucky, United States. The CTU-CRAS-NORLAB team finished second among the top ten robotics teams in the world in the viral competition, earning a $500,000 prize. “We were mainly focused on the main competition with real robots, …read more

Teams of our employees and students best in this year’s Bike to Work Challenge

Teams of our employees and students best in this year's Bike to Work Challenge
Employees and students of our department participated under the company profile “CTU in Prague” in this year’s national challenge, which took place from 1 to 31 May and motivated to travel by bike, scooter, on foot or at a trot. Teams of two to five employees and students recorded the kilometres they cycled, ran or …read more

Prof. Jiri Matas is the best rated computer scientist from the Czech Republic, CTU the best university

Prof. Jiri Matas is the best rated computer scientist from the Czech Republic, CTU the best university
The international Guide2Research evaluates successful computer science on the basis of their H-index, citations, and the number of documents in the DBLP database collected by May 10, 2021. The “Top Computer Scientists Ranking” includes all top computer scientists from the Czech Republic. The best rated is prof. Jiří Matas, Head of the Visual Recognition Group …read more

Amazon Research Awards: Our researchers succeeded in the global competition

Amazon Research Awards: Our researchers succeeded in the global competition
Artificial intelligence (AI) research got into the most prestigious society of 59 universities in 13 countries. Among the 101 scientists awarded the Amazon Research Award 2020 (ARA) by Amazon are prof. Jiří Matas from the Department of Cybernetics and prof. Jan Faigl from the Department of Computers. Professor Jiří Matas succeeded with the project Training …read more

Daniel Průša and Tomáš Werner received Dean’s Award for Teaching

Daniel Průša and Tomáš  Werner received Dean’s Award for Teaching
Doc. RNDr. Daniel Průša, Ph.D. a doc. Ing. Tomáš Werner, Ph.D. received the Dean’s Award for teaching in the winter semester 2020/21. Teachers are awarded for teaching results based on the recommendation of the Dean’s Committee. The committee decision is based on the results of the students´ verbal survey, suggestions of the heads of departments, …read more
Responsible person: Petra Rosická