Pavel Petráček received the Dean´s Award for prestigious dissertation

Pavel Petráček received the Dean´s Award for prestigious dissertation
The Dean’s Awards for prestigious dissertations were awarded on January 8th at the Scientific Council meeting. Researcher Pavel Petráček from MRS group was awarded for his work Robust UAV Localization in Perception-Degraded Environments under the supervision  Martin Saska. Pavel defended his Thesis in September 2024 and received the Ph.D. title in the new study program …read more

Project ROBOPROX: Teams from FEL are Developing Technologies for Cutting-Edge Industrial Production

 Project ROBOPROX: Teams from FEL are Developing Technologies for Cutting-Edge Industrial Production
Teams from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FEL) at the Czech Technical University in Prague (ČVUT) are involved in the development of new robotic and AI technologies for future industrial applications as part of the ROBOPROX project. This extensive project, funded by the Czech Ministry of Education with a total budget of over 467 million …read more

Ing. Tomáš Báča, Ph.D. was awarded the prestigious JUNIOR STAR grant from GAČR

Ing. Tomáš Báča, Ph.D. získal prestižní grant JUNIOR STAR od GAČR
The Czech Science Foundation (GAČR) awarded Ing. Tomáš Báča, Ph.D. the prestigious JUNIOR STAR grant. This program is designed for excellent early-career researchers within eight years of obtaining their Ph.D., who have already achieved significant success in the scientific community. Tomáš Báča impressed with his project TOMSNAV (Topological Multi-modal and Semantic Navigation for Aerial Vehicles), …read more

Long term project collaboration with Lockheed Martin

Dlouhodobý projekt s firmou Lockheed Martin
The Czech Technical University will collaborate with Lockheed Martin on the research and development of a highly maneuverable unmanned vehicle. Researchers from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FEL) at the Czech Technical University (CTU) and experts from the Czech Aerospace Research Centre will work together with the global security and aerospace company Lockheed Martin to …read more

Vít Krátký received the Dean´s Award for prestigious dissertation

Vít Krátký získal Cenu děkana za prestižní dizertační práci
The Dean’s Awards for prestigious dissertations were awarded on October 10th at the Scientific Council meeting. Researcher Vít Krátký from MRS group was awarded for his work Cooperative Sensing by a Group of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Environments with Obstacles under the supervision RNDr. Petr Štěpán, Ph.D. and doc. Ing. Martin Saska, Dr. Vít defended …read more

Martin Saska presented ROBOPROX at MxD during Czech Business Delegation Visit to the USA

Martin Saska představil Roboprox v MxD v rámci návštěvy české podnikatelské delegace v USA
Martin Saska, representing the MRS group, recently introduced the ROBOPROX project at the prestigious MxD – The Digital Manufacturing and Cybersecurity Institute in Chicago, IL. As a leading institute dedicated to optimizing industrial processes using advanced robotics, MxD provided a perfect platform to highlight ROBOPROX’s relevance in modern manufacturing environments. His visit was part of …read more

The MRS Group won a competition of fully autonomous drones in Germany

Skupina MRS zvítězila v soutěži plně autonomních dronů v Německu
The Multi-robot Systems Group (MRS) in a cooperation with Fly4Future, an official spin-out of CTU, has won the SPRIND Funke Fully Autonomous Flight competition. In the final, which took place from 16th to 20th September 2024 at the Erding Air Base in Germany, the Czech team beat 8 other teams from all over the world. …read more

Vojtěch Vonásek received the Dean’s Award for teaching

Vojtěch Vonásek received the Dean’s Award for teaching
Vojta Vonásek received the Dean’s Award for teaching in the winter semester 2023/24. Teachers are awarded for teaching results based on the recommendation of a Committee appointed by the Dean. The committee’s decision is based on the results of the students´ verbal survey, suggestions from the heads of departments, and other factors such as the …read more

Drone developers from MRS group at the finals of 3D Mapping Challenge/UAS 5.0 competition

Drone developers from MRS group at the finals of 3D Mapping Challenge/UAS 5.0 competition
The MRS group succeeded in the semi-finals and advanced to the finals of the 3D Mapping Challenge/UAS 5.0 competition, which will take place April 9-11 in Kansas. A total of 11 teams that have passed the previous two rounds will compete for prizes worth a total of $987,500. The 3D Mapping Challenge/UAS 5.0 is one …read more

Werner von Siemense Awards 2023

Werner von Siemense Awards 2023
Congratulations to Ing. Jekatěrina Jaroslavceva and her supervisor prof. Ondřej Chum and also to dr. Vojtěch Spurný and his supervisor doc. Martin Saska for their extraordinary achievement in this year’s Werner von Siemens Awards! Jekatěrina received two awards. She was awarded for excellence in women’s scientific work and she was a runner-up in the category …read more
Responsible person: Petra Rosická