Award for the best poster at the conference in Turkey

Award for the best poster at the conference in Turkey
We are happy to announce that Miroslav Purkrábek and Jiří Matas won the award for the best poster at the 18th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition in Turkey. More information including link to the special website promoting their research is available at the Faculty website. Congratulations!

46th Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision Colloquium

46th Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision Colloquium
On December 7th the Department of Cybernetics hosted the 46th Colloquium in Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision. It is a biannual event with a rich tradition dating back to 1998. This esteemed gathering is jointly organized by the Visual Recognition Group and enjoys the generous support of the Czech Pattern Recognition Society (CPRS). The technical program is curated …read more

MRS Summer School: over 150 students learned to fly drones at FEE

Letní škola MRS: Létat s drony se na FEL letos učilo přes 150 studentů a studentek
More than 150 students from a number of countries attended the 2023 Summer School on Multi-Robot Systems, where they learned how to program drones. The event took place from 3 to 6 July at the FEE building on Charles Square in Prague, and on 7 July it culminated with outdoor challenges on Císařský ostrov. During …read more

Nearly 200 students joined the 2022 MRS Summer School held at the Department of Cybernetics, FEE CTU

Nearly 200 students joined the 2022 MRS Summer School held at the Department of Cybernetics, FEE CTU
The Multi-Robot Systems Group hosted on August 1-5, 2022, the 2022 IEEE RAS Summer School on multi-robot systems. Nearly 200 attendees from six continents and well-known lecturers from recognized robotics laboratories worldwide participated to the event. On Friday, the event concluded with hands-on experiments with autonomous drones on the Císařský Island in Prague. News in …read more

New Kornia Deep Learning Library

The VRG group has successfully helped to extend the official PyTorch ecosystem. The group developed the new Kornia Deep Learning library which recently have been added to PyTorch ecosystem. PyTorch is the 2nd popular deep learning framework in the world, so it is kind of big deal. One of the core developers of the kornia …read more

D.Rozumnyi and Prof. J.Matas awarded Honorable Mention at GCPR

D.Rozumnyi and Prof. J.Matas awarded Honorable Mention at GCPR
D.Rozumnyi and prof. J.Matas were awarded the Honorable Mention for Outstanding Contribution at “German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR)” for the publication R. Rozumnyi, J. Kotera, F. Sroubek J. Matas: Non-Causal Tracking by Deblatting. Gratulujeme!

BODIS – workshop at IROS2018

BODIS - workshop at IROS2018
Matěj Hoffmann is co-organizing a workshop at IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems IROS2018. BODIS: The utility of body, interaction and self learning in robotics.

Human-robot interaction at HRI 2018

Human-robot interaction at HRI 2018
Work in collaboration with IIT Genoa and Yale University on Compact real-time avoidance on a humanoid robot for human-robot interaction appeared at the HRI 2018 Conference held in Chicago. [pdf @ arxiv | youtube video]

8 papers accepted at CVPR2018

Eight paper of researches from Department of Cybernetics were accepted at CVPR2018, which is one of the most prestiguous computer vision confereces with a highly selective review process and very low acceptance rate. Congratulations to D. Barath, J. Matas, D. Mishkin, Z. Kukelova, T. Pajdla, J. Pritts, O. Chum, A.Iscen, G. Tolias and F. Radenovic. …read more

ICCV 2017 talk of Karel Zimmermann

ICCV 2017 talk of Karel Zimmermann
Karel Zimmermann presents at ICCV 2017 paper K. Zimmermann, T. Petricek, V. Salansky, T. Svoboda. Learning for Active 3D Mapping.
Responsible person: Petra Rosická