Eduard Alibekov defended his Ph.D. Thesis

Eduard Alibekov successfully defended his Ph.D. Thesis Symbolic Regression for Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Spaces Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Olga Štěpánková CSc. Supervisor specialist: prof. dr. Ing. Robert Babuška Congratulations!

EXPO 2020 in Dubai

Participation of the Multirobotic Systems Group at EXPO 2020 in Dubai is captured in a documentary by Czech Television Czech 3D and Czech Robot – MRS passage starts at 19.45 Martin Saska’s drone team is also mentioned by Forbes in its EXPO selection

Vojtěch Spurný defended his PhD. Thesis

Vojtěch Spurný successfully defended his Ph.D. Thesis  Complex System for Fast and Reliable Deployment of Cooperating Autonomous Aerial Vehicles. Supervisor: Doc. Ing. Martin Saska, Dr.rer.nat. Congratulatios!

Jan Žegklitz defended his PhD. Thesis

Jan Žegklitz successfully defended his Ph.D. Thesis Enhancements of Genetic Programming-based Symbolic Regression Algorithms. Supervisor: Ing. Petr Pošík, Ph.D. Congratulations!

Ondřej Chum promoted to Full Professor

Ondřej Chum promoted to Full Professor
Congratulations to Ondřej Chum from the department of Cybernetics, who was promoted to Full Professor. He is one of 11 new Full Proffesors  who were anounced by the President of the Czech Republic and will receive their diplomas in person from the Ministry of Eduation later in January 2022.

Dmytro Mishkin defended his PhD thesis

Dmytro Mishkin successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis Learning and Crafting for the Wide Multiple Baseline Stereo  Supervisor: prof. Ing. Jiří Matas, Ph.D. Congratulations!

Christmas Video Success 2021

Úspěch vánočního videa 2021
The Christmas video “Happy Holidays from the Robot Nativity” was very popular in the last days of this year. – on YouTube – almost 17 500 views, 735 likes, 28 comments – on Facebook – more than 16,200 views, reach among 46,000 people, 1,100 positive reactions only (thumbs up, hearts, etc.), 192 shares, 65 comments …read more

Our robots wish everyone a Merry Christmas

An empty lecture hall bathed in blue evening light. Silence reigns, only on the blackboard we see a complex pattern over which is written “Merry Christmas”. Then a Scarab wrapped in Christmas lights walks across one of the tables, soon a robot emerges from behind the door, shrouded in darkness, and the slow strains of …read more

Tomáš Svoboda received Dean’s Award for teaching

Tomáš Svoboda získal Cenu děkana za výuku
Prof. Ing. Tomáš Svoboda, Ph.D. received the Dean’s Award for teaching in the summer semester 2020/21. Teachers are awarded for teaching results based on the recommendation of a Committee appointed by the Dean . The committee decision is based on the results of the students´ verbal survey, suggestions of the heads of departments, and other …read more

Rector of the CTU awarded medals for extraordinary performances during the coronavirus

Rector of the CTU awarded medals for extraordinary performances during the coronavirus
Dne 30. listopadu 2021 se uskutečnilo v Betlémské kapli slavnostní předání Medailí k ocenění odborníků ČVUT za mimořádné výkony v době krize. Rektor ČVUT doc. Vojtěch Petráček udělil 106 medailí výzkumníkům a dalším osobnostem, kteří svými inovacemi a osobním či týmovým zapojením přispěli k řešení pandemické situace koronaviru v České republice i v zahraničí. Medaile …read more
Responsible person: Petra Rosická