The drone Eagle.One caught an intruder drone in the Rapotice prison. The drone-hunter is designed to protect critical infrastructure, such as prisons, power plants or airports. The Eagle.One drone is equipped with AI on-board and is capable of launching a net in which it catches the intruder drone which might smuggle forbidden items into the …
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In cooperation with Skupina ČEPS, our drones inspected a power-tower line near Libomyšl, Czech Republic. The drones autonomously took off, inspected the power-tower according to the pre-defined trajectories and took pictures of the tower itself and the insulators. The power-tower inspection is a part of the EU Horizon2020 Aerial-Core project. Also, the drone cooperation with …
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Zdenek Straka and Matej Hoffmann were awarded ENNS Best Paper Award at 26th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN17) for their paper Learning a Peripersonal Space Representation as a Visual-Tactile Prediction Task.
Paper of authors K. Zimmermann, T. Petricek, V. Salansky, and T. Svoboda was accepted as oral presentation at ICCV 2017! We propose an active 3D mapping method for depth sensors, which allow individual control of depth-measuring rays, such as the newly emerging solid-state lidars. The method simultaneously (i) learns to reconstruct a dense 3D occupancy …
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The successively evaluated features used in a sliding window detection process to decide about object presence/absence also contain knowledge about object deformation. We exploit these detection features to estimate the object deformation. Estimated deformation is then immediately applied to not yet evaluated features to align them with the observed image data. In our approach, the …
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We design and evaluate a data fusion system for localization of a mobile skid-steer robot intended for USAR missions. We exploit a rich sensor suite including both proprioceptive (inertial measurement unit and tracks odometry) and exteroceptive sensors (omnidirectional camera and rotating laser rangefinder). To cope with the specificities of each sensing modality (such as significantly …
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Adaptive traversability we understand by means of autonomous motion control adapting the robot morphology—configuration of articulated parts and their compliance—to traverse unknown complex terrain with obstacles in an optimal way. The robot measures its state (like: orientation angles, flipper mode, …) and the terrain (digital elevation model). We learn the optimal policy from loosely annotated …
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The research group of Multi-Robot Systems studies issues related to motion planning, control and coordination of teams of ground, aerial and modular robots. See the MRS research group demo page for details!