News report from Innovation Week

News report from Innovation Week
The 8th Innovation Week, the largest domestic innovation and artificial intelligence event, featured a team of roboticists and computer scientists from the Department of Computer Science, the Artificial Intelligence Centre, and the Department of Cybernetics. Martin Pecka appeared in a news report on TV Nova, where he talked about how robots can actively interact with …read more

Robot dogs and drones as part of a security camera system?

Robotičtí psi a drony jako součást bezpečnostního kamerového systému?
The Axis Demoshow meeting for about a hundred security managers and experts from major Czech companies and institutions took place on 21 September 2023 in the premises of the Všetice Farm near Benešov u Prahy. The programme included demonstrations of experimental systems assembled by teams led by Professor Tomáš Svoboda and Associate Professor Martin Saska …read more

Robodog SPOT stars in a movie

Robopes z FEL ČVUT si v kožichu zahrál ve filmu
Robodog SPOT dressed up in a fur costume stars in the movie Ordinary failures. Bedřich Himmel was responsible for the preparation and the programming of SPOT during the filming. There is a short video in Czech about the challenges of filming.

Four-legged robot SPOT on a mission to explore the Prague underground

Robopes SPOT mapoval pražské podzemí
The latest addition to the robot team is the four-legged autonomous SPOT robot from Boston Dynamics with a robotic arm. The RBG camera and a depth sensor are integrated into the gripper, which enables the robot to gather more information and expand utilization. 3D mapping and data gathering in the Prague underground and cooperation with …read more

Robot SPOT, doc. Zimmermann and Ing. Rouček appeared on Czech Television News

Robot SPOT, doc. Zimmermann and Ing. Rouček appeared on Czech Television News
Children were intrigued by an Instagram post about SPOT the robot, so Czech Television filmed a report for Zprávičky 😀 Watch from 0:53

CT 24 set out to walk the four-legged robot SPOT

  CT 24 set out to walk the four-legged robot SPOT
He overcomes obstacles in difficult terrain, climbs stairs, can wade through mud and water. The four-legged robot SPOT is now available to cyberneticists from the CTU. They plan to improve the American-made device and use it in the finals of a prestigious robotics competition. The Czech team was able to afford the robot thanks to …read more

SPOT on Czech TV

SPOT on Czech TV
In today’s Studio 6 on CT 1, representatives of the DARPA team Prof. Tomáš Svoboda and Ing. Tomáš Rouček. You can watch the report here, starts at 1:26:30
Responsible person: Petra Rosická