Our autonomous drones in Abu Dhabi have once again proved to be the world leaders

Our autonomous drones in Abu Dhabi have once again proved to be the world leaders
On February 23-25, the Khalifa University hosted the Mohamed Bin Zayed International Robotics Challenge (MBZIRC) in Abu Dhabi. Team of our Department cooperating at the competition with colleagues from universities in Pennsylvania and New York won first place for building walls with drones, second for destroying defined targets (balloons) and the most valuable golden medal …read more

Abu Dhabi Drone Contest in media

The Multirobot System Group´s team from our department is heading to the Mohamed Bin Zayed International Robotics Challenge (MBZIRC) international robotics competition that will be held in Abu Dhabi on February 23-25. Three years ago, our team won a complete series of medals. It was the best in funding, picking and delivering items with the …read more

AERIAL-CORE – new H2020 project

AERIAL-CORE - new H2020 project
Martin Saska received a new European H2020 grant! He serves as the PI of CTU part of “AERIAL-CORE: AERIAL COgnitive integrated multi-task Robotic system with Extended operation range and safety” coordinated by University of Sevilla. The main objective of AERIAL-CORE is the development of core technology modules and an integrated aerial cognitive robotic system that …read more

Success of CTU-CRAS’ robots in US in Main evening news, Czech TV

Success of CTU-CRAS' robots in US in Main evening news, Czech TV
It doesn’t happen every day that you appear in the main evening broadcasting at Czech TV (Česká televize). It does for example when you win DARPA SubT Challenge among self-funded teams. Amazing success of ČVUT FEL team CTU-CRAS formed by our teams Multi-robot Systems (Martin Saska) and Vision for Robotics and Autonomous Systems (Tomáš Svoboda) and colleagues …read more

CTU-CRAS from the Department of Cybernetics Won the Darpa Subterranean Challenge Tunnel Circuit Among Non-Sponsored Teams and Took the Overall 3rd Place

The DARPA Subterranean Challenge Tunnel Circuit took place in Pittsburgh, USA on 15-22 August. A team of CTU-CRAS scientists and students from the Department of Cybernetics and Computer Department of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague demonstrated a multirobotic system for searching the areas affected by the disaster. CTU-CRAS …read more

Our robots (MRS group) help map historical objects

In Novinky.cz has been published an interresting article (in Czech language) „Drony z ČVUT pomáhají odkrývat dlouholetá tajemství” (More videos and articles about this topic you can find at the end of this website.) Many thanks for the representation of our department!

Supplement of the daily Právo Víkend on the success of the team of dr. Saska in Abu Dhabi

The supplement of the daily Právo Víkend informs about the success of the team of dr. Saska at the international competition in Abu Dhabi in the article “How Czech Scientists Race in the Emirates”. In Czech language only.

The victory of our MRS group in Czech TV

In an earlier post we reported about the victory of our MRS team in the prestigous MBZIRC robotic competition. Czech TV informed about the success of our team (in Czech) on their web page, and in their morning show Studio 6 (in Czech). Martin Saska, the team leader, gave a telephonic interview.

The complete collection of medals awarded to the team of dr. Martin Saska from the Mohamed Bin Zayed International Robotics Challenge competition in Abu Dhabi

The complete collection of medals awarded to the team of dr. Martin Saska from the Mohamed Bin Zayed International Robotics Challenge competition in Abu Dhabi
After two days of the Mohamed Bin Zayed International Robotics Challenge competition in Abu Dhabi, the CTU team (also Uni Lincoln and UPenn involved) led by Dr. Saska won the first place in the Challenge 3 that required a team of UAVs to collaborate to search, locate, track, pick and place a set of static …read more

Dr. Martin Saska was a guest of the Studio 6 of the CT on the topic “The Czechs in the finals of the drones competition”

Dr. Martin Saska was a guest of the Studio 6 of the CT on the topic
Just before leaving for the final of the competition MBZIRC in Abu Dhabi (see more) dr. Martin Saska was a guest of the Studio 6 of the Czech Television where he spoke on the topic “The Czechs in the finals of the drones competition” as well as mapping monuments (the interview is in the range …read more
Responsible person: Petra Rosická