The Czech Technical University will collaborate with Lockheed Martin on the research and development of a highly maneuverable unmanned vehicle. Researchers from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FEL) at the Czech Technical University (CTU) and experts from the Czech Aerospace Research Centre will work together with the global security and aerospace company Lockheed Martin to …
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Patrik Vacek successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis: Improving 3D perception from Unlabeled Data and was awarded the Ph.D. title in the Artificial Intelligence and Biocybernetics doctoral study program. Supervisor: prof. Ing. Tomáš Svoboda, Ph.D. Supervisor specialist: doc. Ing. Karel Zimmermann, Ph.D. Congratulations!
The Axis Demoshow meeting for about a hundred security managers and experts from major Czech companies and institutions took place on 21 September 2023 in the premises of the Všetice Farm near Benešov u Prahy. The programme included demonstrations of experimental systems assembled by teams led by Professor Tomáš Svoboda and Associate Professor Martin Saska …
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Teymur Azayev successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis Robotic control with deep-learned structured policies Supervisor: doc. Ing. Karel Zimmermann, Ph.D. Congratulations!
Interesting discussion about the challenges of autonomous cars with prof. Tomáš Svoboda, David Hurych / and Vladimír Rybecký /Autoweek/ on the Czech radio. The whole record is only available in the Czech language.
The latest addition to the robot team is the four-legged autonomous SPOT robot from Boston Dynamics with a robotic arm. The RBG camera and a depth sensor are integrated into the gripper, which enables the robot to gather more information and expand utilization. 3D mapping and data gathering in the Prague underground and cooperation with …
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Vojtěch Šalanský successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis Robot Learning and Perception in Sensory Deprived Environment Supervisor: doc. Ing. Karel Zimmermann, Ph.D. Congratulations!
Zájemci o studium elektrotechniky a informatiky na FEL ČVUT budou mít opět příležitost seznámit se s technologiemi, které výrazně ovlivní způsob, jakým budeme pracovat, odpočívat či cestovat v následujících desetiletích. Fakulta elektrotechnická (FEL) ČVUT zpřístupní v pátek 25. února 2022 během dne otevřených dveří svá pracoviště v Dejvicích a na Karlově náměstí. Od autonomně řízených …
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Dne 30. listopadu 2021 se uskutečnilo v Betlémské kapli slavnostní předání Medailí k ocenění odborníků ČVUT za mimořádné výkony v době krize. Rektor ČVUT doc. Vojtěch Petráček udělil 106 medailí výzkumníkům a dalším osobnostem, kteří svými inovacemi a osobním či týmovým zapojením přispěli k řešení pandemické situace koronaviru v České republice i v zahraničí. Medaile …
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The Crystal Loupe – Czech Internet Award is a regular voting of the public and an expert jury, in which the most popular and interesting projects and services of the Czech Internet are selected and awarded. This year’s 16th edition of the award ceremony was hosted also by Prof. Tomáš Svoboda and his robots Charlie, …
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