VRG – Visual Recognition Group

Visual Recognition Group (VRG)


The Visual Recognition Group is a research team at the Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague. It is led by Prof. Jiri Matas and is part of the Center for Machine Perception (CMP). The team focuses on basic research and applications of computer vision and machine learning. The main research areas are object recognition and retrieval, representation learning, tracking, text recognition, and minimal problems in computer vision.

Group members:

NameTeamRank Phone Office email position
Adamyan Alen VRG Researcher 08
Ing. Čech Jan Ph.D. VRG Assistant professor +420 22435 5728 G2 07
Mgr. Čermák Vojtěch VRG Researcher and Internal PhD +420 22435 5753 G9 09
Ding Yaqing Ph.D. VRG Researcher +420 22435 7225 G10A 08
Efthymiadis Nikolaos MSc. VRG Researcher and Internal PhD +420 22435 5771 G3 09
Dr. Fourmy Méderic VRG External 20
Ing. Fridrichová Petra VRG Researcher 08
Gavrus Cristian-Dan Ph.D. VRG Researcher 08
Ghahramani Mohammadmahdi VRG Visitor 18
Bc. Hladchenko Vladyslav VRG External 20
Ing. Hodaň Tomáš Ph.D. VRG Visitor +420 724235860 18
Hooper James VRG External +420 22435 7577 G203 20
Chidambaram Nitin Kumar Ph.D. VRG Research Fellow 11
prof. Mgr. Chum Ondřej Ph.D. VRG Full Professor +420 22435 7282 G3B 02
Ivashechkina Larysa VRG Research Fellow 11
Ing. Janoušková Klára VRG Researcher and Internal PhD +420 22435 5774 G2 09
Ing. Jaroslavceva Jekatěrina VRG Internal PhD student 14
Mgr. Jelínek Tomáš VRG Researcher and Internal PhD +420 22435 5720 G9 09
Ing. Jeníček Tomáš VRG Researcher and External PhD +420 22435 5746 G3 10
Kakogeorgiou Ioannis VRG External 20
Knapp Václav VRG External +420 776254586 20
Kordopatis-Zilos Georgios Ph.D. VRG Researcher +420 22435 7458 G10 08
RNDr. Kúkelová Zuzana Ph.D. VRG Assistant professor +420 22435 7352 G10A 07
Laskar Zakaria Ph.D. VRG External +420 22435 5780 20
MSc. Manko Anna VRG Researcher +420 22435 7458 G10 08
prof. Ing. Matas Jiří Dr. VRG Full Professor +420 22435 7212 G1 02
Mgr. Mishkin Dmytro Ph.D. VRG Researcher +420 22435 7600 08
Mishkina Olha VRG External 20
Mishkina Tetiana VRG Technical Support 17
Ing. Möhwald Albert VRG External +420 22435 5746 20
Ing. Neoral Michal VRG Researcher and External PhD +420 22435 5746 G3 10
Ing. Neumann Lukáš Ph.D. VRG Researcher +420 22435 5749 G103 08
Nguyen Van Nguyen VRG External 20
Ing. Obdržálek Štěpán Ph.D. VRG Researcher +420 22435 5781 G203 08
Paplhám Jakub VRG Researcher and Internal PhD +420 22435 5729 G105 09
Ing. Picek Lukáš VRG External 20
Psomas Vasileios Ph.D. VRG Researcher +420 22435 5780 G10 08
Ing. Purkrábek Miroslav VRG Research Fellow +420 22435 5767 G2 11
Ramsi Elias VRG Visitor 18
Ing. Rozumný Denis Dr. sc. VRG Research Fellow +420 22435 5753 G9 11
Rozumnyi Ruslan VRG External +420 22435 7392 G9 20
Shekhovtsov Oleksandr Ph.D. VRG Assistant professor +420 22435 7577 G203 07
Stojnić Vladan MSc. VRG Researcher and Internal PhD +420 22435 7458 G10 09
Ing. Suchánek Matěj VRG Research Fellow +420 22435 7392 G9 11
Ing. Šerých Jonáš VRG Research Fellow +420 22435 5731
+420 721388000
G2 11
Ing. Škvrna Jan VRG Researcher and Internal PhD +420 22435 7600 G2 09
Mgr. Šochman Jan Ph.D. VRG Researcher +420 22435 7577 G203 08
Ing. Bc. Špetlík Radim VRG Researcher and External PhD +420 22435 5722 G2 10
Ing. Šubrtová Adéla VRG Researcher and Internal PhD +420 22435 5775 09
Ing. Šuma Pavel VRG Researcher and Internal PhD +420 22435 7458 G10 09
doc. Tolias Georgios Ph.D. VRG Associate professor +420 22435 7258 G10 06
Mgr. Týbl Ondřej Ph.D. VRG Researcher +420 22435 5777 G103 08
Tzamos Charalambos MSc. VRG Researcher and Internal PhD +420 22435 7352 G10A 09
Ing. et Ing. Vávra Václav VRG Researcher and Internal PhD +420 22435 5748 G10A 09
Ing. Vojíř Tomáš Ph.D. VRG Researcher +420 22435 5781 G203 08
Bc. Wei Tong VRG Researcher and Internal PhD +420 22435 5746 G3 09
Ing. Bc. Yermakov Andrii VRG Researcher +420 22435 7600 G2 08
Ing. Ypsilantis Nikolaos-Antonios VRG Researcher and Internal PhD +420 22435 5771 G3 09

Interview with Prof. Matas on Aktuálně.cz

An interesting interview with Prof. Matas on the Aktuálně.cz SPOTLIGHT program on February 27, 2025. In the half-hour interview, Prof. Matas discussed various topics related to AI and visual recognition, such as how to protect privacy from the negative impacts of artificial intelligence or how AI can be used in criminology and medicine. You can …read more

Bill Psomas Awarded MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024

Bill Psomas, a post doc at VRG, has been awarded the prestigious MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024 for his project RAVIOLI (Retrieval-Augmented VIsion-Language Models for Open-vocabulary LocalizatIon). Hosted at the Visual Recognition Group (VRG) under the supervision of associate Prof. Giorgos Tolias, RAVIOLI aims to advance open-vocabulary segmentation by integrating retrieval-based predictions with vision-language models. The project seeks to enhance segmentation accuracy …read more

Jan Čech on detecting fake videos and photos

Jan Čech /VRG/ appeared on a Czech Television program Události and commented on the development of detecting fake videos and photos, noting the improving trend.

Jonáš Šerých defended his Ph.D. Thesis

Jonáš Šerých successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis: Visual Tracking with Segmentation and Geometry Estimation and was awarded the Ph.D. title in the Artificial Intelligence and Biocybernetics doctoral study program. Supervisor: prof. Ing. Jiří Matas, Ph.D. Congratulations!

Tomáš Jeníček defended his Ph.D. Thesis

Tomáš Jeníček successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis: Image Retrieval Across Challenging Conditions and was awarded the Ph.D. title in the Artificial Intelligence and Biocybernetics doctoral study program. Supervisor: prof. Mgr. Ondřej Chum, Ph.D Congratulations!

Official launch of project CEDMO 2.0 NPO

The interdisciplinary project CEDMO 2.0 NPO, focused on combating disinformation, was officially launched with an inaugural meeting of partner institutions. On Wednesday, October 23, 2024, researchers and representatives of the participating institutions gathered at the Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) to officially kick off the CEDMO 2.0 NPO project. The project aims to strengthen …read more

Zuzana Kúkelová in the TOP Women Scientists of Czechia 2024 by Forbes magazine

Forbes magazine has compiled a selection of the TOP Women Scientists of Czechia. They chose interesting, inspiring, and active female scientists from various fields in an effort to showcase a wide range of top-level science (not only) in Czechia. Zuzana Kúkelová from our department made it into the selection. You can find Zuzana Kúkelová’s profile …read more

Giorgos Kordopatis-Zilos received the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023 grant

The “LUSt: Learning a Universal Similarity Function” project has been funded under Horizon Europe and will run for two years (2025-2026). This grant supports a postdoctoral fellowship at CTU in Prague with Giorgos Tolias as an advisor and a collaboration with the University of Amsterdam and assistant professor Pascal Mettes. The project’s objective is to perform research on similarity learning …read more

Award for the best poster at the conference in Turkey

We are happy to announce that Miroslav Purkrábek and Jiří Matas won the award for the best poster at the 18th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition in Turkey. More information including link to the special website promoting their research is available at the Faculty website. Congratulations!

Yash Patel is a winner of Antonín Svoboda Award for the Best Ph.D. Thesis

Yash Patel was announced as a winner of the Antonín Svoboda Award for the Best Ph.D. for Thesis defended in 2023. The Czech Society for Cybernetics and Informatics selects the best Ph.D. Thesis every year. The PhD thesis topic falls within the scope of ČSKI’s scientific activities (cybernetics, informatics, and related fields). Any Thesis defended in …read more

Yash Patel received the Dean´s Award for prestigious dissertation

The Dean’s Awards for prestigious dissertations were awarded on March 13th at the Scientific Council meeting. Researcher Yash Patel was awarded for his work Neural Network Training and Non-Differentiable Objective Functions under the supervision of Prof. Jiří Matas. Yash was the first candidate who received the Ph.D. title in the new study program Computer Science. …read more

Werner von Siemense Awards 2023

Congratulations to Ing. Jekatěrina Jaroslavceva and her supervisor prof. Ondřej Chum and also to dr. Vojtěch Spurný and his supervisor doc. Martin Saska for their extraordinary achievement in this year’s Werner von Siemens Awards! Jekatěrina received two awards. She was awarded for excellence in women’s scientific work and she was a runner-up in the category …read more

Introducing GACR Junior Stars 2023 projects

This article introduces some of the successful Czech scientists who are currently investigating their GACR JUNIOR STAR projects.

Radim Špetlík and his teammates won the Chaos Neurathon 2023

Ph.D. students Radim Špetlík from the Department of Cybernetics and Michal Kučera from the Department of Computer Graphics and Interaction and Open Computer Science student David Kunz won the Chaos Neurathon 2023, their team named “All You Need Is All You Need”. This competition, the first of its kind, focused on using artificial intelligence in …read more

46th Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision Colloquium

On December 7th the Department of Cybernetics hosted the 46th Colloquium in Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision. It is a biannual event with a rich tradition dating back to 1998. This esteemed gathering is jointly organized by the Visual Recognition Group and enjoys the generous support of the Czech Pattern Recognition Society (CPRS). The technical program is curated …read more

Succes in the Czech Science Foundation GAČR competition for three projects from our department

The Czech Science Foundation (GACR), the largest Czech grant funding provider for basic research, will fund 357 scientific projects being launched next year in the Standard Projects and POSTDOC INDIVIDUAL FELLOWSHIP grant schemes. These projects will receive CZK 2,75 billion over the next 3 years. The projects receiving funding cover a wide range of basic …read more

Lukáš Neumann awarded the prestigious GA ČR JUNIOR STAR grant

The Czech Science Foundation (GA ČR)  announced the results of the JUNIOR STAR 2024 projects. The highly selective tender is aimed at excellent early-career scientists coming to the Czech Republic from abroad or with significant international experience. With an exceptional funding amount of CZK 25 million for 5 years, the scientists will be able to …read more

Zuzana Kúkelová was awarded NEURON 2023 prize for promising scientists

Congratulations to Zuzana Kúkelová for her achievement! She is the laureate of the Neuron 2023 prize for promising scientists in the field of computer science. The prizes are awarded to Czech scientists for their scientific results and should be perceived as encouraging to their further work. An independent local Scientific Council selects the laureates in …read more

Interview with professor Matas about AI in podcast Peak.cz

The interview was recorded only in Czech. Professor Jiří Matas talks about the development of AI in the Peak.cz podcast. “Any artificial intelligence that generates something has to know that it generated it, and it has to be able to answer to me: yes, I generated it,” she says of the AI ​​phenomenon. Artificial intelligence …read more

Lukáš Neumann’s interview on Czech Radio about the AI

The interview is available only in Czech

Prof. Matas is the highest ranked computer scientist from the Czech Republic

According to Research.com’s international ranking, which evaluates the success of computer scientists based on their H-index, citations, and the number of papers collected by 21 December 2022, the top-ranked Czech computer scientist is prof. Jiří Matas. The success of CTU is underlined by the fact that it has three representatives among the first four Czech scientists …read more

Prof. Jiří Matas is the co-author of the best paper at the BMVC 2022 conference

The team of authors, including prof. Jiří Matas received an award for the Best Paper at the 33rd British Machine Vision Conference this week. The Best Paper Prize was awarded for the Trans2k: Unlocking the Power of Deep Models for Transparent Object Tracking to Alan Lukezic (University of Ljubljana), Žiga Trojer (University of Ljubljana), Jiří …read more

Dmytro Mishkin received the Dean’s Award for prestigious dissertation

The Dean’s Awards for prestigious dissertations were awarded on November 9th at the Scientific council meeting. Researcher Mgr. Dmytro Mishkin, Ph.D. received the award for his work Learning and Crafting for the Wide Multiple Baseline Stereo under the supervision of prof. Ing. Jiří Matas, Ph.D. Congratulations!

Interview with professor Matas in the morning show Snídaně s Novou

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Prof. Jiří Matas elected a new member of the Learned Society of CZ

At its 28th General Assembly on 17 May 2022, the Learned Society of the Czech Republic elected Professor Jiří Matas as a full member. “The Learned Society of the Czech Republic is fully aware of the fundamental importance of the rapidly developing field of artificial intelligence and machine learning for society, and thus appreciates that …read more

Interview with professor Matas on the topic of self-driving cars in podcast Stopáž

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Prof. Matas ranked as a top computer scientist in the Czech republic

Computer scientists from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University are among the top scientists in Europe based on the ranking of the best institutions in the field of Computer Science. Also, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering /CTU/ has been the best workplace in the field of informatics in the Czech Republic …read more

The Cybernetics Department’s VRG team is working on machine vision for Toyota. This is a very unique project in Czech universities, says Professor Matas

An Interview about the ToyotaLab team’s research led by Professor Matas was published on the CzechCrunch website. How the whole project was created and what it is involved in you can read here. The article is only in Czech.

Ondřej Chum promoted to Full Professor

Congratulations to Ondřej Chum from the department of Cybernetics, who was promoted to Full Professor. He is one of 11 new Full Proffesors  who were anounced by the President of the Czech Republic and will receive their diplomas in person from the Ministry of Eduation later in January 2022.

Dmytro Mishkin defended his PhD thesis

Dmytro Mishkin successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis Learning and Crafting for the Wide Multiple Baseline Stereo  Supervisor: prof. Ing. Jiří Matas, Ph.D. Congratulations!

Award in the ÚTIA Competition for the best theoretical publication of 2021

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JUNIOR STAR grant from GA ČR was awarded to Dr. Zuzana Kúkelová

Czech Science Foundation awarded the JUNIOR START Grants which provide 5-year financial support to excellent projects of junior scientists who are expected to have a big scientific impact. One of these grants was awarded to RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D., from Dept. of Cybernetics, FEE CTU, who succeeded with her project New generation of camera geometry …read more

(Česky) Hunter Denys Rozumnyi ve Forbes

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Tomas Hodan defended his PhD thesis

Tomas Hodan successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled Pose Estimation of Specific Rigid Objects Supervisor: prof. Ing. Jiří Matas, Ph.D. Co-supervisor: — Congratulations!

Instead of a UFO, a great horn. A graduate of our department at ETH Zurich develops a method to reconstruct blurred objects

Drone footage from 2016 captured an unknown, fast-flying object in the US state of Utah, and many people have since lived under the assumption that it was a UFO. Five years on, on June 4 this year, it was proved that it was in fact a Great Horned Falcon. A detailed analysis of the available …read more

Teams of our employees and students best in this year’s Bike to Work Challenge

Employees and students of our department participated under the company profile “CTU in Prague” in this year’s national challenge, which took place from 1 to 31 May and motivated to travel by bike, scooter, on foot or at a trot. Teams of two to five employees and students recorded the kilometres they cycled, ran or …read more

Reporter magazine invited prof. Matas to the Guest Reporter podcast

Guest of reporter Robert Čásenský: Jiri Matas Listen to podcast

Prof. Jiri Matas is the best rated computer scientist from the Czech Republic, CTU the best university

The international Guide2Research evaluates successful computer science on the basis of their H-index, citations, and the number of documents in the DBLP database collected by May 10, 2021. The “Top Computer Scientists Ranking” includes all top computer scientists from the Czech Republic. The best rated is prof. Jiří Matas, Head of the Visual Recognition Group …read more

Amazon Research Awards: Our researchers succeeded in the global competition

Artificial intelligence (AI) research got into the most prestigious society of 59 universities in 13 countries. Among the 101 scientists awarded the Amazon Research Award 2020 (ARA) by Amazon are prof. Jiří Matas from the Department of Cybernetics and prof. Jan Faigl from the Department of Computers. Professor Jiří Matas succeeded with the project Training …read more

(Česky) Klára Janoušková uspěla v náročném výběru programu IBM Great Minds

(Česky) Prof. Jiří Matas pro E15: Senioři usednou do autonomních aut mezi prvními

CTU Rector’s prize for prestigious scientific publication to Filip Radenović, Giorgos Tolias and Ondrej Chum

On January 29, 2021, Vojtěch Petráček presented the CTU 2019 Rector’s Awards for outstanding results in research. Filip Radenovic, Giorgos Tolias and Ondrej Chum have received the award for prestigious publication for their article “Fine-Tuning CNN Image Retrieval with No Human Annotation” in the journal IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI). You …read more

Dean´s Award for the Dissertation thesis was given to Arun Mukundan

Dean´s Award for the Dissertation thesis was given to Ing. Arun Mukundan, MSc. Ph.D. (supervisor doc. Mgr. Ondřej Chum, Co-supervisor Giorgos Tolias, Ph.D.) Theme: Local Descriptors for Image Matching and Retrieval Congratulations!

Milan Šulc defended his PhD thesis

Milan Šulc successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled  Fine-grained Recognition of Plants and Fungi from Images Supervisor: doc. Mgr. Ondřej Chum, Ph.D. Congratulations!

Arun Mukundan defended his PhD thesis

Arun Mukundan successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled Local Descriptors for Image Matching and Retrieval Supervisor: doc. Mgr. Ondřej Chum, Ph.D. Co-Supervisor: Georgios Tolias, Ph.D. Congratulations!

Giorgos Tolias has been awarded the Junior Star grant from the Czech Science Foundation

The project is entitled “Learning Universal Visual Representation with Limited Supervision” and will last 5 years (2021-2025). Human perception of visual similarity, i.e. telling whether two objects or scenes are visually similar or not, relies on a number of different factors, such as shape, texture, color, local or global appearance, and motion. Human ability to …read more

(Česky) Rozhovor Jiřího Matase pro týdeník Téma

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James Pritts defended his PhD thesis

Ing. James Pritts successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled Methods for the Rectification of Imaged Coplanar Repeated Patterns Supervisor: doc. Mgr. Ondřej Chum, Ph.D. Co-Supervisor: RNDr. Zuzana Kúkelová, Ph.D. Congratulations!

Driverless formula rollout

Jan Čech from the Department of Cybernetics, Visual Recogntion Group, is the faculty advisor of student Driverless formula. The very first version of the formula has been publicly released on Friday, Sep 4. The event included a presentation of Jan which showed interesting videos demonstrating some aspects of his research on autonomous driving. Jan, wearing …read more

Javier Alejandro Aldana Iuit defended his PhD Thesis

Javier Alejandro Aldana Iuit successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled Relevant Shot Detection with Local Features for Video Re-ranking Supervisor: Prof. Jiří Matas, Ph.D. Supervisor-Specialist: Doc. Mgr. Ondřej Chum, Ph.D. Congratulations!

Filip Radenović received Antonín Svoboda´s Award

Filip Radenović, graduate of doctoral study branch Artificial Intelligence and Biocybernetics, received Antonín Svoboda´s Award for the Best Ph.D. Thesis. Theme: Visual Retrieval with Compact Image, Supervisor Assoc. Prof. Jiří Chum, Ph.D. The award is given by Czech Society for Cybernetics and Informatics (ČSKI), whose mission includes development of cybernetics and informatics in the Czech …read more

(Česky) Cenu Wernera von Siemense získal Denis Rozumnyi

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CVWW 2020 best presentation award was given to prof. Jiri Matas Group

The award for the best presentation at the 25th Computer Vision Winter Workshop CVWW 2020 goes to Dániel Baráth, Jiří Matas, Jana Nosková and Maksym Ivashechkin for the paper MAGSACH, a fast, reliable and accurate robust estimator. Congratulations!

Dean´s Award for the Dissertation thesis was given to Filip Radenović, MSc., Ph.D.

Dean´s Award for the Dissertation thesis on 2019 was given to Filip Radenović, MSc., Ph.D. (supervisor Assoc. Prof. Jiří Chum, Ph.D.). Theme: Visual Retrieval with Compact Image Representations Congratulations!

New Kornia Deep Learning Library

The VRG group has successfully helped to extend the official PyTorch ecosystem. The group developed the new Kornia Deep Learning library which recently have been added to PyTorch ecosystem. PyTorch is the 2nd popular deep learning framework in the world, so it is kind of big deal. One of the core developers of the kornia …read more

Interview with Dmytro Mishkin, Computer Vision Researcher

Dmytro Mishkin is a Ph.D. student in Computer Vision at the Center for Machine Perception of Department of Cybernetics. Dmytro ´s interests lie in areas like deep learning, metric learning, image matching, local features and so on. Dmytro’s research has been widely successful in many areas of machine learning and computer vision in general. The …read more

Generalized Image Retrieval and Relation Discovery – a new ERC.cz Grant

Ondrej Chum received ERC.cz Grant Generalized Image Retrieval and Relation Discovery In the project, will be generalized the retrieval of related images beyond search of visually similar images. Team will study various definitions of relatedness, investigate algorithms for efficient search, and derive novel representations that support search and discovery of related images. Applications range from …read more

D.Rozumnyi and Prof. J.Matas awarded Honorable Mention at GCPR

D.Rozumnyi and prof. J.Matas were awarded the Honorable Mention for Outstanding Contribution at “German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR)” for the publication R. Rozumnyi, J. Kotera, F. Sroubek J. Matas: Non-Causal Tracking by Deblatting. Gratulujeme!

Filip Radenović, MSc. defended his PhD thesis

Filip Radenović, MSc. successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled  Visual Retrieval with Compact Image Representations Supervisor: doc. Mgr. Ondřej Chum, Ph.D. Congratulations!

Tomas Jenicek and Ondra Chum in Analytics India magazine

Our department in media …

Jiří Matas succeeded in AI Awards

Prof. Ing. Jiří Matas, Ph.D. received a special award of the project AI Awards 2018. The goal of the project is to introduce successful experts and companies which influence the direction of the world-wide evolution of AI technologies. This special award for making the Czech Republic visibile in the AI world is intended for a …read more

ACCV Best Paper Award for J.Pritts, Z.Kukelova and O.Chum

  James Pritts, Zuzana Kukelova  and Ondrej Chum from Center of Machine Perception were awarded Saburo Tsuji Paper Award at 14th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV) for their paper James Pritts, Zuzana Kukelova, Viktor Larsson, Ondrej Chum: Rectification from Radially Distorted Scales. Congratulations!

“Czech Head 2018” Award for Lukáš Neumann

Lukáš Neumann from Center of Machine Perception received Czech Head 2018 award in the category of “technical sciences”. Congratulations! Lukáš developed a method combining machine learning and a new algorithm for searching text in images regardless of their orientation or size. His supervisor was prof. Jiří Matas.

System for plant and fungi recognition from images, developed at the Dept. of Cybernetics, wins three international challenges.

System of deep neural networks for recognition of plants and fungi from images, developed by Milan Sulc and Jiri Matas from the Dept. of Cybernetics FEE CTU in cooperation with Lukas Picek from the Dept. of Cybernetics FAS UWB, scored first in three international challenges: 2018 FGCVx Flower Classification Challenge 2018 FGCVx Fungi Classification Challenge …read more

James Pritts (CMP) recently sat down for an interview with “Hospodarske noviny” newspaper, where he discussed self-driving vehicles

Our colleague, Ing. James Brandon Pritts, from the Visual Recognition Group spoke on the topic: Self-driving cars safety. For more information [in Czech], see the article in Hospodarske noviny. Thanks for the representation of our faculty.

Dean’s Award for the Dissertation thesis was given to Ing. Lukas Neumann, Ph.D.

Dean’s Award for the Dissertation thesis was given to Ing. Lukas Neumann, Ph.D. (supervisor: prof. Ing. Jiri Matas, Ph.D.) Theme: Scene text localization and recognition in images and videos Congratulations!

Jiří Trefný was a guest of the Studio 6 of the CT on the topic: Face detection at the airports

Ing. Jiří Trefný (Visual Recognition Group) was a guest of the Studio 6 of the Czech Television where he spoke on the topic: Face detection at the airports (the interview is in Czech language only).

Artificial intelligence research with Facebook

Visual Recognition and Machine Learning Groups will be involved in cutting-edge research in artificial intelligence within the program FAIR (Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research) partnership. The project aims to accelerate progress and innovation in the field of the artificial intelligence, especially in deep neural networks. Our department was selected as one of the top 15 research …read more

The 3rd place award for Ing. Uřičář and Prof. Matas (CVPR 2016)

Ing. Michal Uřičář (supervised by dr. Franc) and Prof. Jiří Matas received the 3rd place award prize for their track “Apparent Age Estimation” from the paper “Structured Output SVM Prediction of Apparent Age, Gender and Smile from Deep Features” at ChaLearn Looking at People CVPR Workshop 2016. Congratulations!

Ing. Neumann has won the 2nd place in the “Joseph Fourier Prize”

Our PhD student Ing. Lukáš Neumann (supervised by Prof. Matas) has won the 2nd place in the “Joseph Fourier Prize” competition in the field of computer science on the topic of “Scene Text Recognition in Images and Videos”. More information is here. Congratulations!

Jiří Matas obtained a prestigious project in Finland Distinguished Professor programme

Jiří Matas obtained a prestigious project in Finland Distinguished Professor programme. For details, see the announcement of new FiDiPro professors. Congratulations!

Best paper for Jiří Matas and Lukáš Neumann

Paper Efficient Scene Text Localization and Recognition with Local Character Refinement by Jiří Matas and Lukáš Neumann received Best Paper prize at ICDAR 2015. Congratulations!

Andrej Mikulík defended his Ph.D. thesis

Andrej Mikulík successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled Large-Scale Content-Based Sub-Image Search (supervisor: Prof. Jiří Matas). Congratulations!

Face recognition in “Studio 6” report in Czech TV

Studio 6, a Czech TV morning show, broadcasted a report about a scientific fair (in Czech only) (see also scientific fair (in Czech only). The report features (starting at 00:40) the face recognition project, a long-term effort of the Center for Machine Perception, group of prof. Matas. Many thanks for the representation of our department!

Best presentation award for James Pritts

James Pritts, Ondřej Chum and Jiří Matas won the Best presentation award for their paper On the geometry of co-planar repeated patterns at the 2014 Computer Vision Workshop, Křtiny, Czech Republic. Congratulations!

Best paper award for James Pritts

James Pritts won the Best Paper Award for the paper Approximate models for fast and accurate epipolar geometry estimation at the 2013 Conference on Image and Vision Computing, New Zealand. Congratulations!!!

Michal Perďoch defended his Ph.D. thesis

Michal Perďoch successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled Maximally Stable Extremal Regions and Local Geometry for Visual Correspondences (supervisor: prof. Jiří Matas). Congratulations!

Jan Šochman defended his Ph.D. thesis

Jan Šochman successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled Learning for Sequential Classification (supervisor: Dr. Jiří Matas). Congratulations!

Jan Čech defended his Ph.D. thesis

Jan Čech successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled Accurate and Robust Stereoscopic Matching in Efficient Algorithms (supervisor: doc. Radim Šára). Congratulations! Haddad, profesor de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Washington en St. Louis. farmacia24 en casa
Responsible person: Giorgos Tolias