Biomedical Imaging Algorithms

Biomedical Imaging Algorithms Research Group

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We’re a group researching in the areas of humanoid, cognitive developmental, neuro-, and collaborative robotics. Robots with artificial electronic skins are one of our specialties.

In our research, we employ the so-called synthetic methodology, or “understanding by building”, with two main goals:

  1. Understanding cognition and its development. In particular, we’re interested in the “body in the brain“: how do babies learn to represent their bodies and the space around it (peripersonal space) and what are the mechanisms in the brain. We build embodied computational models on humanoid robots to uncover how these representations operate.
  2. Robots safe and natural around humans. Taking inspiration from humans, we make robots exploit multimodal information (mostly vision and touch) to share space with humans. We’re interested in physical and social human-robot interaction.

For more details about our Research see the corresponding tab.

Our full affiliation is Vision for Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Department of Cybernetics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague.

Humanoids group

Matej Hoffmann (Assistant Professor, coordinator)
Google Scholar profile
Tomas Svoboda (Associate Professor)
Google Scholar profile
Karla Stepanova (Postdoc)
Google Scholar profile
Zdenek Straka (PhD Student)
Google Scholar profile
Petr Svarny (PhD Student)
Google Scholar profile
Filipe Gama (PhD Student)
Shubhan Patni (PhD Student)


For our publications, please see the Google Scholar profiles of individual group members. For demos see our YouTube channel.
More information can also be found here.

Models of body representations

How do babies learn about their bodies? Newborns probably do not have a holistic perception of their body; instead they are starting to pick up correlations in the streams of individual sensory modalities (in particular visual, tactile, proprioceptive). The structure in these streams allows them to learn the first models of their bodies. The mechanisms behind these processes are largely unclear. In collaboration with developmental and cognitive psychologists, we want to shed more light on this topic by developing robotic models.

Safe physical human-robot interaction

Robots are leaving the factory, entering domains that are far less structured and starting to share living spaces with humans. As a consequence, they need to dynamically adapt to unpredictable interactions with people and guarantee safety at every moment. “Body awareness” acquired through artificial skin can be used not only to improve reactions to collisions, but when coupled with vision, it can be extended to a surface around the body (so-called peripersonal space), facilitating collision avoidance and contact anticipation, eventually leading to safer and more natural interaction of the robot with objects, including humans.

Automatic robot self-calibration

Standard robot calibration procedures require prior knowledge of a number of quantities from the robot’s environment. These conditions have to be present for recalibration to be performed. This has motivated alternative solutions to the self-calibration problem that are more “self-contained” and can be performed automatically by the robot. These typically rely on self-observation of specific points on the robot using the robot’s own camera(s). The advent of robotic skin technologies opens up the possibility of completely new approaches. In particular, the kinematic chain can be closed and the necessary redundant information obtained through self-touch, broadening the sample collection from end-effector to whole body surface. Furthermore, the possibility of truly multimodal calibration – using visual, proprioceptive, tactile, and inertial information – is open.

  • whatever…

Can we detect tooth decay with the help of AI?

Scientists from FEE CTU and the 1st Faculty of Medicine of Charles University have found a way to detect tooth decay more reliably with the help of artificial intelligence. The new research, published in the journal Clinical Oral Investigations, compared the performance of an automated caries detection method with that of seven dentists, three novices, …read more

An increasing role of AI algorithms in search for effective cancer treatments

Artificial intelligence algorithms of scientists from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of CTU and the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Olomouc help to accelerate the development of anticancer drugs. Artificial intelligence algorithms will play an increasing role in the search for effective cancer treatments. Machine learning methods can significantly reduce the time, effort …read more

IBM Great Minds

IBM, as every year, opens the prestigious Great Minds internships at IBM’s laboratories in Zürich, Johannesburg and Nairobi To apply and for more information about the cooperation, please contact Jan Louda ( Applications are accepted until March  4, 2019. Who interested in biomedical applications may apply for a recommendation to prof. Jan Kybic

Interview with prof. Chang-hee (Andy) Won, Ph.D.

From February to July 2019, prof. Chang-hee Won of Temple University in Pennsylvania, USA will be visiting CTU as a holder of the Fulbright-CTU Distinguished Chair fellowship. His professional interests include sensors and image processing and advanced control theory. His host will be prof. Jan Kybic from the Department of Cybernetics of the Faculty of …read more

Ing. Jiří Borovec defended his Ph.D. thesis

Ing. Jiří Borovec successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled Analysis of microscopy images (supervisor: prof. Dr. Ing. Jan Kybic). Congratulations!

Miguel Amável dos Santos Pinheiro defended his Ph.D. thesis

Miguel Amável dos Santos Pinheiro successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled Graph and Point Cloud Matching for Image Registration (supervisor: Prof. Jan Kybic). Congratulations!

Best paper award for Jiří Borovec and Jan Kybic

Paper “Binary pattern dictionary learning for gene expression representation in drosophila imaginal discs” by Jiří Borovec and Jan Kybic received Best Paper Award at MCBMIIA 2016. Congratulations!

Results of our BIA research group presented in Technicall magazine

The results of the Biomedical Imaging Algorithms (BIA) research group headed by doc. Jan Kybic are presented in Technicall magazine (1/2014). To learn more, see the articles (in Czech) called Počítač v roli patologa and Užitečný nástroj pro genetiky.

Juan David Garcia-Arteaga defended his Ph.D. thesis

Juan David Garcia-Arteaga successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled Multichannel Image Information Similarity Measures: Applications to Colposcopy Image Registrations (supervisor: doc. Jan Kybic). Congratulations!
DP,BP,SP Analyza obrazu gelove elektroforezy Kybic Jan
DP,SP Analýza 2D ultrazvukových snímků vaječníků Kybic Jan
DP,BP,SP Analýza dlouhodobých změn v dynamotypech epileptických záchvatů MUDr. Přemysl Jiruška, Ph.D. prof.
DP,BP,SP Analýza výrazů tváře v reálném čase na mobilních zařízeních et. Ing. Jan Hejda, Ph.D. Ing.
DP,BP,SP Anotaci lékařských dat s minimální interakcí Kybic Jan
DP,BP,SP Aplikace nelineárních parametrů pro hodnocení pohybových dat et. Ing. Jan Hejda, Ph.D. Ing.
BP,SP Aplikace strojového učení pro odhad hmotnosti Higgsova bosonu z detektoru ATLAS André Sopczak doc.
DP,BP,SP Automatic analysis of gel electrophoresis data Kybic Jan
DP,BP,SP Automatic event recognition for CERN Sopczak Andre
DP,BP,SP Automatic nuchal translucency measurements Kybic Jan
DP,SP Automatická detekce a klasifikace sociálních interakcí u transgenních potkanů David Levčík, PhD. Mgr.
DP,BP,SP Automatická detekce ischemické léze z MR obrazových dat u cévní mozkové příhody MUDr. Jakub Otáhal, Ph.D. doc.
DP,BP,SP Automatická charakterizace vlastností laserového svazku Vojtěch Vozda, Ph.D. RNDr.
DP,BP,SP Automatická katalogizace MRI dat Martin Černý MUDr.
DP,BP,SP Automatické určení Knosp score na základě segmentace anatomických struktur Martin Černý MUDr.
DP,BP,SP Cartilage and bone segmentation in ultrasound images of the knee Kybic Jan
DP,BP,SP Creation of 3D meshes for mechanical modeling from 3D medical data Kybic Jan
DP,BP,SP Deep learning for automatic detection of multiple myeloma from CT images Kybic Jan
DP,BP,SP Deep learning for skin cancer classification Kybic Jan
DP,BP,SP Deep learning for tumor type classification from histopathological images Kybic Jan
DP,BP,SP Detekce deště z dat páteřních mikrovlnných spojů Kybic Jan
DP,BP,SP Detekce nestabilních aterosklerotických plátů z ultrazvukových obrazů Kybic Jan
DP,BP,SP Detekce zubních kazů z rentgenových snímků Kybic Jan
DP,BP,SP Digitální zpracování histologických mikroskopických obrazů Kybic Jan
DP,BP,SP Efficient finding of nearest neighbors for binary vectors Kybic Jan
DP,BP,SP Elastická registrace obrazů za použití kritéria vzájemne informace ve vysoké dimenzi Kybic Jan
BP,SP Fantomy pro vyhodnocování vlastností lékařského ultrazvuku pomocí 3d tisku Kybic Jan
DP,BP,SP Finding objects of known shapes from oversegmentation Kybic Jan
DP,BP,SP From pairwise image registration to sequence image registration Kybic Jan
DP,SP Functional MRI of hypercapnia data Kybic Jan
DP,SP Generování syntetických mikroskopických obrázků pomocí GAN Kybic Jan
DP,BP,SP Hledání leptoquarků pomocí strojového učení v datech z CERN ATLAS experimentu André Sopczak doc.
DP,BP,SP Hluboké učení pro 3D segmentaci vajíček octomilky Denis Baručić Ing.
DP,BP,SP Hluboké učení pro detekci nádorů z histopatologických obrazů Kybic Jan
DP,SP Kalibrace metody MRI "Arterial spin labeling" z M0 skenů s potlačením pozadí Jan Petr, Ph.D. mgr.
DP,BP,SP Klasifikace textury cévní stěny z ultrazvukových obrazů Kybic Jan
DP,BP,SP Korekce pohybu pro ASL (arterial spin labeling) MRI obrazy Jan Petr, Ph.D. Ing.
DP,BP,SP Learning multilayer classifiers with weak annotations Kybic Jan
DP,BP,SP Learning to segment from object counts Kybic Jan
DP,SP Lokalizace a segmentace karotidy z in-vivo ultrazvukových obrazů Kybic Jan
DP,BP,SP Lung nodule analysis from time series Kybic Jan
DP,BP,SP Magnetic particle imaging - using automatically calibrated test targets Kybic Jan
DP,BP,SP Markov chain Monte Carlo segmentation for fitting geometrical model Kybic Jan
DP,BP,SP Metody hodnocení pohybu při útocích ručními zbraněmi Ing. Patrik Kutílek, Ph.D. doc.
DP,BP,SP Metody hodnocení poškození hematoenefalické bariéry, hemodynamických a farmakokinetických parametrů na podkladě DCE-MRI u pacientů s cévní mozkovou příhodou MUDr. Jakub Otáhal, Ph.D. doc.
DP,BP,SP Numerické modelování patologických vysokofrekvenčních oscilací v epileptickém mozku MUDr. Přemysl Jiruška, Ph.D. prof.
DP,BP,SP Odhad parametrů aterosklerotických plátů z ultrazvukových obrazů Kybic Jan
DP,BP,SP Odhadování dešťových srážek z dat mikrovlnných spojů Kybic Jan
DP,BP,SP Odhadování entropie pro vysocedimenzionální data s konečnou přesností Kybic Jan
DP,BP,SP Optimal MRI acquisition times for brain tissue segmentation from signal relaxation curve Petr Jan
DP,BP,SP Piecewise registration for histological slices Kybic Jan
DP,BP,SP Registrace obrazů za pomoci automaticky detekovaných struktur a hlubokého učení. Kybic Jan
DP,BP,SP Registration of ophthalmological sequences Kybic Jan
DP,BP,SP Rekonstrukce 3D obrazu karotidy z 2D in-vivo ultrazvukových snímků Kybic Jan
BP,SP Robustní a rychlá registrace obrazů metodou "Local All Pass" Kybic Jan
DP,BP,SP Rychlá hierarchická interpolace pomocí řídkých B-spline funkcí Kybic Jan
DP,BP,SP Rychlá registrace obrazů pomocí lineárního programování a řídkého vzorkování Kybic Jan
DP,SP Segmentace buněk v mikroskopii za použití refernční modality Kybic Jan
DP,SP Segmentace pediatrických mozků u pacientů s kraniosynostózou Jan Petr, Ph.D. Mgr.
DP,BP,SP Segmentace vláken v papíru z mikro CT dat Kybic Jan
BP,SP Segmentace zubních výplní z rentgenových "bitewing" obrázků Kybic Jan
DP,BP,SP Segmentation and joint-segmentation of aorta from histological and ultrasound images Kybic Jan
DP,BP,SP Softwarová aplikace pro přenos dat mezi cloudem a chytrým mobilním telefonem pro aplikace v home care et. Ing. Jan Hejda, Ph.D. Ing.
DP,BP,SP Softwarová aplikace pro real time analýzu fyziologických signálů využitím AI čipu Ing. Patrik Kutílek, Ph.D. doc.
DP,BP,SP Soutěže analýzy biomedicínských obrazů Kybic Jan
DP,BP,SP Surface registration for 3D breast images Kybic Jan
DP,BP,SP Thickness measurement from ultrasound RF images Kybic Jan
DP,BP,SP Ultrasound vessel wall texture classification Kybic Jan
DP,BP,SP Unsupervised joint segmentation of two images Kybic Jan
DP,BP,SP Určování duševního stavu mluvčího z hlasu et. Ing. Jan Hejda, Ph.D. Ing.
DP,BP,SP Využití DKI - MRI u pacientů s farmakorezistentní epilepsií na podkladě fokální kortikální dysplázie MUDr. Jakub Otáhal, Ph.D. doc.
DP,BP,SP Web based infrastructure for image processing and analysis Kybic Jan
DP Lucie Borovičková: Follicle segmentation in 2D ultrasound image sequences of ovaries (PDF) Kybic Jan 2024 OI UI
BP Jan Klivan: Prediction of a Rainfall Intensity from Signal Attenuation of a Microwave Link Network (PDF) Kybic Jan 2024 KyR
BP Lukáš Bartůněk: Photo Culling - Selecting a Representative Set of Photographs (PDF) Kybic Jan 2024 KyR
DP Ondřej Stejskal: Improving atherosclerotic plaque segmentation and estimating their clinically relevant parameters (PDF) Kybic Jan 2024 OI UI
DP Vojtěch Poříz: 3D image reconstruction from Compton camera (PDF) Kybic Jan 2023 OI UI
BP Samuel Šúr: Detection, Classification and Matching of Skin Lesions (PDF) Kybic Jan 2023 KyR
BP David Grundfest: Segmentation of dental restorations from bitewing X-ray images (PDF) Kybic Jan 2023 BIO
DP Lukáš Kunt: Dental caries detection from bitewing X-ray images (PDF) Kybic Jan 2022 OI UI
DP Jan Presperín: Machine learning for ttH mechanism Higgs boson detection from CERN ATLAS data (PDF) Kybic Jan 2022 OI DV
BP Aleš Král: Methods for Hierarchical Classification of Histopathology Images (PDF) Kybic Jan 2022 OI ZUI
BP Vojtěch Brejtr: Histological image registration using optical flow estimation and deep learning (PDF) Kybic Jan 2022 BIO
BP Artem Moroz: Prediction of Atherosclerotic Plaque Parameters from In-Vivo Ultrasound Carotid Artery Images (PDF) Kybic Jan 2022 KyR
BP Petr Novota: Rain Intensity Estimation from CML Link Data (PDF) Kybic Jan 2022 KyR
BP Markéta Kvašová: 3D carotid artery reconstruction from 2D in-vitro ultrasound images (PDF) Kybic Jan 2022 BIO
BP Adam Herold: Application of Machine Learning for the Higgs Boson Mass Reconstruction Using ATLAS Data (PDF) Kybic Jan 2022 KyR
DP Hana Mertanová: Cell segmentation in microscopy using a reference modality (PDF) Kybic Jan 2021 OI UI
DP Jan Horák: Automated Detection and Quantitation of Langerhans Islets in Pancreatic Tissue (PDF) Kybic Jan 2021 OI B
BP Radka Olyšarová: Automatic Estimation of hdEEG Electrode Positions (PDF) Kybic Jan 2021 OI ZUI
DP Jan Kúdelka: Classification of tumor type from histopathologicalimages (PDF) Kybic Jan 2021 OI UI
DP Martin Kostelanský: Localization and segmentation of in-vivo ultrasound carotid artery images (PDF) Kybic Jan 2021 OI UI
BP Pavlína Koutecká: Automatic Detection of Metastases in Whole-Slide Lymph Node Images Using Deep Neural Networks (PDF) Kybic Jan 2020 KyR
BP Vojtěch Poříz: Diabetic Retinopathy Detection Using Neural Networks (PDF) Kybic Jan 2020 KyR
BP David Kunz: Robust and Fast Local All Pass Image Registration (PDF) Kybic Jan 2020 OI CS
DP Jakub Malý: Automatic event recognition for Higgs boson detection (PDF) Kybic Jan 2020 KyR KyR
BP Josef Grus: Gel Electrophoresis Image Analysis (PDF) Kybic Jan 2020 KyR
BP Branislav Doubek: Implementation of Multiple Instance Learning using Markov Networks (PDF) Kybic Jan 2020 EK
DP Petr Kočiš: Vessel Detection and Red Blood Cells Velocity Algorithm for Microcirculation Analysis (PDF) Kybic Jan 2019 BMII BI
Dis Pošusta Antonín: Surface EMG Signal Decomposition into Individual Action Potentials and its Use for Control (PDF) Otáhal Jakub 2018 EI UIBIO
Dis Borovec Jiří: Analysis of microscopy images (PDF) Kybic Jan 2018 EI UIBIO
DP Latnerová Iva: Reduction of False Positives in Lung Nodule Detection Algorithm (PDF) Kybic Jan 2014 BMII BI
Dis Garcia-Arteaga Juan David: Informační kritéria podobnosti pro vícekanálové obrazy: Použití pro registraci kolposkopických obrazů (PDF) Kybic Jan 2013 EI UIBIO
Dis Uherčík Marián: Surgical Tools Localization in 3D Ultrasound Images (PDF) Kybic Jan 2012 EI UIBIO
Responsible person: Jan Kybic